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DiscoverEU Meet-up in Paris, France: Street Art and buffet

De la: Tuesday, 26/07/2022 - 16:00 Până la: Tuesday, 26/07/2022 - 18:30 [CET] Ora Europei Centrale


Come and participate in the second DiscoverEU Meet-up organized in France, more precisely in the centre of the country's capital: Paris.

During this Meet-up, you will have the opportunity to meet other travellers who have won a DiscoverEU pass and take part in a walk based on the theme of street art. This walk will be followed by a buffet at the Agence Erasmus+ France Jeunesse & Sport.

Only 15 DEU travellers will be able to participate in this Meet-up, so if you already know that you will be in Paris on July 26, 2022, don't hesitate to register as soon as possible!

Don't forget to follow the brand new Instagram account of the Erasmus+ France Youth & Sports Agency called "Cap Europe":

Register here!

Meetup information

Locul: Paris, Franța

Topic: Creativity, Culture & cultural heritage
