PR- Padua reloaded
Ufficio Progetto Giovani - Comune di Padova
PADOVA, Włochy
Ufficio Progetto Giovani is the Office of Municipality of Padua dealing with services and initiatives in favour of the local youth. Progetto Giovani is searching for 2 volunteers for the in-coming Volunteering project “PR- Padua reloaded”. The project lasts 9 months (from the beginning of January 2021 to October 2022). Main activities: • linguistic and cultural interactive laboratories in the schools of Padua (non-formal ed. methods) • linguistic tandem learning activities • after-school activities for under-age people with fewer opportunities • promotion of ESC and the activities of Progetto Giovani in schools or university Other possible activities: • back-office activity: research of opportunities for youth in EU within the sectors of education, training and free time • creation of material for the promotion and dissemination of results of Progetto Giovani's ESC projects through years • organizational support for cultural events • online activities
Zakwaterowanie, wyżywienie i transport
The volunteers will be hosted in a flat rented by the Municipality of Padova and located a few minutes from the city center. The volunteer will have his/her own bedroom and will share kitchen, living room and bathroom with another volunteer. Monthly bus tickets will be provided by the office. Pocket money and an amount of money for accomodation and food will be transferred to the volunteers at the beginning of each month.
Szkolenie w trakcie działania
Volunteers will participate in trainings organized by the National Youth Agency- arrival training and mid-term evaluation-. The sending organizations will take care of the pre-departure training and the final evaluation of the experience. A series of specific trainings will be scheduled by Progetto giovani office to train and enhance the volunteers during the period of ESC activity.
Profil uczestnika
We will positively value the following attitudes: – predisposition to human interpersonal relationship; – good motivation to the project activities and proactivity; – adaptation skills and capacity to manage the work schedule and tasks – flexibility and availability to move around the city to reach different work locations – digital skills. An intermediate knowledge of Italian language is recommended.
Daty projektu
Od 10/01/2022 do 10/10/2022
Miejsce realizacji projektu
Via Altinate, 71, PADOVA, Włochy
Wolontariat indywidualny
Poszukujemy uczestników z krajów:
Albania, Armenia, Austria, Bośnia i Hercegowina, Belgia, Bułgaria, Cypr, Republika Czeska, Niemcy, Dania, Estonia, Grecja, Finlandia, Falklandy, Francja, Chorwacja, Węgry, Irlandia, Litwa, Luksemburg, Łotwa, Moldova (Republic of), Czarnogóra, Macedonia Północna, Malta, Niderlandy, Norwegia, Polska, Portugalia, Rumunia, Serbia, Szwecja, Słowenia, Słowacja, Zjednoczone Królestwo, Kosovo * UN resolution
Tematy projektu
Education and training
Creativity and culture
Termin składania zgłoszeń
Termin zgłoszeń: 01/12/2021 23:59