Don Bosco Fulpmes, Tyrol (Don Bosco Volunteers)

Don Bosco Volunteers - Förderung von freiwilligem Engagement in Österreich und Europa
Don Bosco Fulpmes
Fulpmes, Østrig
Don Bosco Fulpmes offers students of the HTL Fulpmes a temporary home for mechanical engineering. The house offers a lot to really feel at home and to master school: super food, learning coaching, competent guidance and many leisure activities. Currently, 150 young people live in the dormitory during the week and 25 more students from the surrounding area take advantage of the daily learning coaching in the evening. In the institution is also located a youth centre for youngsters between 12 and 16 years. It is open every Friday and Saturday and offers a lot of free time activities. Don Bosco Volunteers offers many volunteering opportunities. The target group are especially kids and youngsters. Volunteers of the European Solidarity Corps contribute their youthful dynamics and they are positively present and close to kids and youngsters. Their presence opens a space for mutual learning processes and underlines the European idea.
Logi, mad og transport
Accommodation: The host organisation offers a single room with shower and bathroom. Food: Our host organisations organise food in different ways (canteen, cook by yourself, etc.). Transport arrangements: The means by transport for the arrival in Austria will be organised with the office in Vienna. Our volunteering opportunities are all located in cities with a good public transport system. The host organisation gives to the volunteers a mobility ticket and/or a bicycle.
Oplæring under aktiviteten
The participants join the obligatory trainings (On Arrival, Midterm) organised by the Austrian National Agency. Additionally Don Bosco Volunteers organise for the volunteers of the organisation three trainings: 4-day trip to Turin for our national and international volunteers, one-day study programme on educational issues and a weekend for reflexion.
Deltagerens profil
A volunteer should be motivated to work with kids and youngsters, creative, communicative, willing to learn, active and reliable.
Datoer for aktiviteter
A total of 1 week(s) during the period 01/09/2023 to 31/10/2024
Steder for aktiviteter
Bahnstraße 49, Fulpmes, Østrig
Individuelt frivilligt arbejde
Leder efter deltagere fra
Belgien, Cypern, Tjekkiet, Tyskland, Danmark, Estland, Grækenland, Spanien, Finland, Frankrig, Kroatien, Ungarn, Irland, Italien, Liechtenstein, Litauen, Luxembourg, Malta, Nederlandene, Norge, Polen, Portugal, Sverige, Slovenien, Slovakiet
Emner for aktiviteten
Social challenges
Citizenship and democratic participation
Education and training
Physical education and sport
Ansøgningsfrist: 07/10/2023 23:59