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Európai Szolidaritási Testület

A közösség ereje

A spanish volunteer for an EVS in Italy


Associazione InCo

Trento, Olaszország


We are looking for a SPANISH volunteer, between 18 and 30 years old, for an EVS project in Italy! Where? In Trento, Italy at the Municipality of Lavis. The project STARTS on 06/03/2018 and FINISH on 31/01/2019 (11 months). The main role of the volunteers is to collaborate with the staff of the Municipality of Lavis, in particular with the Office of Youth Policies and Youth Lavis Lavis, supporting regular activities offered to young people, and suggesting new cultural and recreational initiatives.

Szállás, étkezés és utazás

Accommodation: The volunteer will have free accommodation for the entire duration of their volunteering in a double room in a shared flat. Food: You will also get a food allowance and will share some lunches and dinners in the different communities. Transport: The volunteer will receive a transportation card.

Képzés a tevékenység során

The volunteers take part in the two EVS seminars and in the meeting organized by InCo Association. They also attend a language class.

Résztvevői profil

The Municipality of Lavis would like to host a volunteer who might have volunteer experience in working with youngsters. If you don’t have experience but are motivated, you are welcome to apply as well!

A tevékenység ideje

Ettől: 06/03/2018 eddig: 31/01/2019

A tevékenység helyszíne

Via Galileo Galilei, 24, Trento, Olaszország

Egyéni önkéntes tevékenység

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A tevékenység témaköre

Jelentkezési határidő

Jelentkezés határideje: 22/01/2018 23:59