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Europäisches Solidaritätskorps

Gemeinsam stärker

SVE di 7 mesi in Grecia

PiGreco - SEMI di Intercultura APS

You in Europe

Neo Moudania, Griechenland


Partenza il 6 Ottobre 2018, rientro il 30 Aprile 2019. Tutto gratuito (anche il volo è rimborsato) e anzi, L’Unione Europea offre un rimborso spese oltre a stanza singola in appartamento condiviso! Il posto è Nea Moudania, paesino di mare vicino a Salonicco. Per candidarti, scrivi a o chiama Elisa al 389 8443025! Servono foto, cv e lettera di motivazione in inglese. Importante: è tutto completamente gratis per il volontario! The activities that required to work the volunteers are divided into categories – working packages, which are implemented in cooperation with other local actors.

Beitrag zu Unterbringung, Verpflegung und Reisekosten

Accommodation: Volunteers will stay in an apartment that has 4 bedrooms, bathroom, living room, kitchen or in two separated apartments that has 2 bedrooms, bathroom, living room, kitcen. In both cases the apartment/s is/are equipped to meet the basic needs of the volunteer himself to live there with dignity. Additional equipment can be added on request and deemed necessary. Travel cost reimbursement: Volunteers will be reimbursed for their tickets (airplane, train, bus), both ways, 275€

Fortbildung im Rahmen der Tätigkeit

Training: Volunteers will take part in on arrival and mid term trainings, organized by the National Agency. Additionally they will be trained for their job.


We are looking for motivated and enthusiastic volunteers, able to get involved in cooperation and share their experiences and ideas, aged 18-30 years old, which will be chosen according to their motivational criteria, willingness to work in a team as well as commitment and interest to work with youth, elders, kids and people with mental disabilities. We will host four young people from Spain, Portugal, Italy and Poland who really want to live as a volunteer, to learn from their experience and to develop personal and professional skills.


Von 06/10/2018 bis 30/04/2019


Neo Moudania, Griechenland

Individuelle Freiwilligentätigkeit

Gesucht werden Teilnehmer/innen aus


Themen der Aktivität

Education and training

Creativity and culture


Bewerbungsfrist: 15/08/2018 23:59