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Corpul european de solidaritate

Împreună suntem puternici

Go out Bring In


Hellenic Youth Participation

Athens, Grecia


Through this project we want to create a series of activities both for teenagers and young adults to empower them, bring them closer to the non formal learning and encourage them to become active citizens and support their own initiatives. We desire to "Bring IN" new people in the designed activities of the organization by "Going OUT" as the title of this project claims. main activities of the project: - organize workshops, non formal activities with the local youngsters -organize outdoor activities for inclusion (work with Roma kids & migrants) such as field games, activities in the parks of Athens, - support the activities of the local partner organisations, -Erasmus+ projects, -Local events about the environment, human rights, inclusion, stereotypes, hate speech etc, -Promotion of European opportunities and volunteerism, - create online materials and support the social media of the organisation (website, youtube, radio etc) organise language cafe's

Cazare, hrană și transport

volunteers will share the flat with other volunteers. The house will be fully equipped and they are going to have common rooms (kitchen, batroom, etc) For local transportations volunteers will receive a card for unlimited use of buses,metro, tram etc.

Formare pe durata activității

Volunteers will have the chance to participate in various training activities during the project. in the beggining they will have team building activities and trainings in non formal education in order to understand the concept of the project. During the project volunteers will participate also in various trainings with different topics such as mindfullness, body language, observation, communication, interculturalism, leadership, creativity, goal setting etc.

Profilul participantului

We are looking for one volunteer from Italy and one from Poland! If you are : interested in non formal learning, willing to work with young people organise outdoor activities willing to share your experience with other young people if you are 18-30 from Italy or Poland do not jesitate to contact us!

Datele activității

De la 01/02/2019 până la 31/07/2019

Locul activității

D. Soutsou 10, Athens, Grecia

Voluntariat individual

Se caută participanți din

Italia, Polonia

Temele activității

Data-limită pentru înscriere

Termenul-limită pentru înscriere: 15/11/2018 23:59