ESC "Euro Bike Tour"

ESC "Euro Bike Tour"


San Cesario di Lecce, Italy

A jelentkezési határidő lejárt.

A tevékenység ismertetése

“Euro Bike Tour” is a volunteering project that intends to promote dialogues between European volunteers, institutions and local community, with the aim to create a constructive and supportive debate about sustainable mobility in the European context. Volunteers will learn how to plan bike trip itineraries and later disseminate their experience, also by supporting VulcanicaMente in international and local activities, being fully involved and becoming active citizens while creating campaigns with locals and international initiatives to raise awareness about these topics. They wilearn how to map and plan a bike tour with multimedia tools, creating bicycle itineraries for daily excursions during the project, bicycle workshops, learn how to set up and fix a bike, creation of a common idea about local sustainable management, planning activities and workshops about their own culture. Infopack:

Szállás, étkezés és utazás

All included. A bike will be given. Shared apartments with shared rooms, in Lecce and in San Cesario di Lecce. During the bike tour it might be in tent or in apartments with shared rooms. Food allowance will be given, some meals will be provided during the bike tour. Pocket money is 175 euros. Travel to/from Italy is covered according to the program rules.

Résztvevői profil

We look for motivated, bright and shiny volunteers, eco-friendly and bike-friendly that want to spread knowledge and share their skills. Therefore, volunteers should have a good motivation to ride, to learn and support VulcanicaMente activities and be interested in the project topic be open-minded and respectful towards other people, space and cultures be interested in non-formal education and willing to work in a dynamic team; be creative and be proactive by proposing personal projects and ideas. Application form:

A tevékenység ideje

Összesen 5 hét 21/09/2021 és 27/10/2021 között

A tevékenység helyszíne

Via Martini 9, 73016 San Cesario di Lecce Italy

Ebből az országból várunk résztvevőket:

Észtország, Görögország, Törökország, Románia, Spanyolország

A tevékenység témaköre

Társadalmi kihívások

Polgárság és demokratikus részvétel

Egészség és jóllét

Jelentkezési határidő

Jelentkezés határideje: 29/07/2021