ESC in Jean Moulin High School - St Brieuc

ESC in Jean Moulin High School - St Brieuc

Lycée Jean Moulin

Saint Brieuc, France

Description de l’activité

The volunteer will be hosted at the Lycée where he/she will carry out various activities. He/she will also participate in the activities of partner associations, depending on his/her interests. He/she will have two main tasks : - To raise awareness of citizenship and international solidarity issues. He/she will contribute to the preparation and organisation of the Festival of Solidarity, and participate in other events. The volunteer will be able to propose and organise events and work on the construction of educational and communication tools. - Raising awareness of international mobility among young people, particularly in the context of Erasmus schemes. He/she will support students in their internship projects abroad. He/she will participate in the functioning of the MDL, the students' association: participation in activities and cultural outings. The volunteering will be coordinated by FDMJC22, the ESC coordinating organisation.

Modalités d'hébergement, de restauration et de transport

The volunteer will be accommodated in a flat, close to the school, in a shared flat with other volunteers in St Brieuc...

Formation pendant l’activité

Training with the national agency Training with the coordinating organisation (5 per year) on citizenship, interculturality, commitment and volunteering.

Profil du participant

To select the volunteer, our only criterion is his/her motivation, on two levels: the desire to live an intercultural experience and the will to work with young people, without any prerequisite, neither language, nor experience in this field. A certain maturity of the volunteer is desired due to the profile of our young people (22 years old or more).

Dates de l’activité

Un total de 39 semaine(s) entre 01/10/2024 et 30/06/2025

Lieu de l’activité

22000 Saint Brieuc France

 Volontariat individuel

Nous recherchons des participants venus de

Autriche, Bosnie-Herzégovine, Belgique, Bulgarie, Biélorussie, Chypre, République tchèque, Allemagne, Danemark, Estonie, Grèce, Espagne, Finlande, France, Géorgie, Irlande, Italie, Lituanie, Luxembourg, Lettonie, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Portugal, Roumanie, Serbie, Suède, Slovénie, Slovaquie

Thèmes de l’activité

Citoyenneté et participation démocratique

Éducation et formation

Créativité et culture

Date limite de dépôt des candidatures

Pas de date limite de dépôt de candidature