Haltegriff – assisting youth in their work and life skills training

Haltegriff – assisting youth in their work and life skills training

BBRZ Österreich

Kapfenberg, Austria

Η προθεσμία υποβολής αιτήσεων έχει εκπνεύσει.

Περιγραφή της δραστηριότητας

Haltegriff, an Institution specialized in Youth Welfare, offers living and work training for young people with NEET-status (Not in Education, Employment or Training) aged 16 to 21, who for various reasons can`t live at home. “Haltegriff” aims at encouraging young people regarding a long-term professional and personal independence. Emphasis is on knowledge transfer concerning skills that help stabilizing the young persons and thus, preparing them for a long-term integration into the labour market. Haltegriff provides job training and living facilities for 16 young people. The teams are formed of qualified people coming from different backgrounds (pedagogy, educational work, social work). The team takes care of youngsters from day to day. Individual support, prevention work and crisis intervention are provided. Group activities such as hiking, outdoor days, are organised. Additionally, a broad range of psychotherapeutic support is offered for youngsters.

Διαμονή, διατροφή και έξοδα μετακίνησης

The volunteer will live in his/her own apartment. The host organisation will provide a monthly ticket for public transport for the district Bruck/Mürzzuschlag. If requested the volunteer can have a bike as well. The volunteer can have lunch and breakfast in the canteen of BBRZ, the volunteer will get canteen tickets for that. In addition to that the volunteer will receive food money for self supply. Morever, the volunteer will be provided with a German Language Course.

Κατάρτιση κατά τη δραστηριότητα

The volunteer will be supported by a task related mentor. This mentor will help the volunteer both concerning all task related issues during the project duration and to get part in the daily life of the organisation. Regular meetings between the volunteer and the mentor are provided. The coordinating organisation will take care about a private mentor for the volunteer. Moreover the EVS freetime team is supposed to organise an activities for all hosted ESC volunteers. On Arrival Training and Mid Term Training are organized by NA Austria.

Προφίλ συμμετέχοντος

We would like the volunteer to bring his/her cultural background, This may enrich lives of teenagers and help them develop an open perspective. Volunteer can learn a lot about youth behavior, education system, group dynamic process, social work and psychological support. Therefore, this position suits best for the people who are in interested in education, social work, psychology, criminology, prevention work and related areas. Minimum age is 21, at least basic knowledge of German is needed. Please send a CV and motivation letter with a subject "Haltegriff" to euinfo@logo.at.

Ημερομηνίες δραστηριότητας

Συνολικά 28 εβδομάδα(-ες) κατά τη διάρκεια της περιόδου 01/02/2021 έως 31/10/2021

Τοποθεσία δραστηριότητας

Paula Wallisch Platz 1, 8065 Kapfenberg Austria

Αναζήτηση για συμμετέχοντες από

Βέλγιο, Βουλγαρία, Κύπρος, Τσεχική Δημοκρατία, Γερμανία, Δανία, Εσθονία, Ελλάδα, Ισπανία, Φινλανδία, Γαλλία, Κροατία, Ουγγαρία, Ιρλανδία, Ισλανδία, Ιταλία, Λιχτενστάιν, Λιθουανία, Λουξεμβούργο, Λετονία, Μάλτα, Κάτω Χώρες, Νορβηγία, Πολωνία, Πορτογαλία, Ρουμανία, Σουηδία, Σλοβενία, Σλοβακία, Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο

Θέματα της δραστηριότητας

Κοινωνικές προκλήσεις

Εκπαίδευση και κατάρτιση

Προθεσμία υποβολής αιτήσεων

Προθεσμία υποβολής υποψηφιοτήτων: 30/09/2020