Project manager Jobs4Solidarity

Project manager Jobs4Solidarity

Eryica-European Youth Information and Counselling Agency

Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Termenul de înscriere a expirat.

Descrierea activității

We’re looking for an enthusiastic and committed person with a passion for youth policy, project management, international relations and non-formal education and training. This one-year employment contract will take place in the framework of the ESC. Job offer: • Good knowledge of the EU policy-making processes; • Experience with a European/international NGO in the youth field; • Familiarity with other EU programmes apart from Erasmus+; • Experience in design and faciliation of eLearning courses through Moodle; • Command of one or more other European language Applications should be submitted to the ERYICA Director: E-mail subject: “Application ESC Project Manager 2021” Applications should include: • A cover letter (in English); • Your CV (in English); • Details of two persons who can be contacted for references; • Proof of registration on the European Solidarity Corps Portal.

Cazare, hrană și transport

Assistance will be provided to find a suitable accommodation in Luxembourg. The young person will be responsible himself/herself for accommodation, food and transport, as a salary corresponding to the legal requirements in Luxembourg will be paid. A travel grant to Luxembourg of max. 275 EUR through the ESC programme and a relocation allowance of 910€ .

Formare pe durata activității

Training about Luxembourg will be organized at the beginning of the activity. Language training will be provided through OLS if necessary. Other trainings in the framework of the ESC can be offered if there is a need. An adaptation to the work environment will be done directly by Eryica.

Profilul participantului

Graduate or post-graduate higher education degree in relevant discipline (e.g. project management, business administration, social work, education, information studies, international relations, European studies, etc.); • Prior experience in project management, training and event organisation in an international/European environment; • Proven experience with non-formal education, facilitation, training, and eLearning courses development; • Good understanding of the Project Cycle Management: Familiarity with the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission,

Datele activității

Un număr total de 52 săptămâni, în perioada 01/04/2021 - 30/04/2022

Locul activității

87, Route de Thionville, L-2611 Luxembourg Luxembourg

Se caută participanți din

Austria, Belgia, Germania, Spania, Finlanda, Franța, Luxemburg, Italia, Irlanda, Țările de Jos, Polonia, Suedia, Lituania, Letonia, Estonia

Temele activității

Provocări sociale

Cetățenie și participare democratică

Educație și formare

Ocuparea forței de muncă și antreprenoriat

Data-limită pentru înscriere

Termenul-limită pentru înscriere: 05/03/2021