Project "Super Heroes Volunteers - volunteering team II"

Project "Super Heroes Volunteers - volunteering team II"

Fundacja CampoSfera

Sędziszów, Poland

Lhůta pro zasílání přihlášek skončila.

Popis činnosti

Project "Super Heroes Volunteers - volunteering teams" is a short-term ESC volunteering project. This project is about enviromental protection, artis and promoting ecology. We will be working close to nature with youth and children from rural areas! Main tasks and activities: Active environmental protection (birds, bees etc.); preparing workshops about ecology and animations for kids; organizing a music festival, explorer the needs of local community, working in permaculture garden and Foundation’s building. The project program may be modified due to COVID! More about project: Please make a form:

Ubytování, stravování, doprava

Volunteers will be accommodated in 3 big rooms (4-5 people per room) in an ex-school building owned by Foundation (2nd floor) and caravans. They will have access to a bathroom with showers and toilets, to the kitchen where they can prepare meals for themselves. The volunteers will receive pocket money in the amount of the equivalent of 4 EUR per day. We will reimburse travel costs.

Odborná příprava během činnosti

Foundation CampoSfera offers volunteers knowledge and skills like work in a complex international team; work with youth and children from rural areas; teamwork; knowledge and methods of leading workshops and organizing the small cultural event; developing practical and gardening skills; improving planning skills, work division, and learning responsibility for your own tasks; exploring and improving artistic skills, etc.

Profil účastníka

For this project, we would especially welcome people who are interested in ecology, permaculture, gardening, and/or working in a small local community (especially kids and youth). Our main concern is that the volunteers will find the project interesting, personally developing, fruitful it terms of knowledge and skills, and simply satisfying. In our opinion, people with the above-mentioned features and interests would feel most fulfilled.

Období činnosti

V období 17/07/2021 to 29/08/2021 celkový počet týdnů: 6

Místo činnosti

Klimontów, 31, 28-340 Sędziszów Poland

Vyhledávání účastníků z

Rakousko, Belgie, Bulharsko, Německo, Česká republika, Kypr, Řecko, Finsko, Francie, Španělsko, Estonsko, Maďarsko, Irsko, Itálie, Lucembursko, Portugalsko, Polsko, Norsko, Švédsko, Slovinsko, Slovensko, Nizozemsko

Témata aktivity

Životní prostředí a ochrana přírody

Vzdělávání a odborná příprava

Kreativita a kultura

Lhůta podání přihlášky

podle lhůty přihlášek: 31/05/2021