Volunteering at Kopli Home

Volunteering at Kopli Home

AS Hoolekandeteenused Kopli Home

Tallinn, Estonia

Deskrizzjoni tal-attività

Kopli Home is a home for 24 people who live with mental disability. They are in age range of 20 until 75 years old. Kopl home has 13 staff members who have received special preparation for working with the mentioned target group. Kopli Kodu's mission is to have active and positive day for all the clients no matter their gender, age or disability. They dance, walk, sing, play board games and organise events and art workshops. Volunteer will assist staff members in their daily activities. Service will last from September 2024 until August 2025 (12 months). Dates are flexible.

Akkomodazzjoni, ikel u arranġamenti tat-trasport

Volunteers will stay at the university dorm or shared apartment with other volunteers. There is also possibility to change the accommodation if the dorm solution is not suitable for some reason. Volunteers will receive monthly food and pocket money. All work related transport will be covered by the programme.

Taħriġ matul l-attività

Volunteers will receive work related trainings if it is necessary. All special techniques used with the target group will also be taught to the volunteers if they are interested in learning. Erasmus+ and ESC Agency in Estonia will organize on-arrival and mid-term trainings for volunteers.

Profil tal-parteċipant

We wish our volunteer to be committed to the service, independent, active, positive, open minded, with sense of responsibility, flexible and ready to learn new things. Previous experience in working with people living with various abilities is an asset. Basic English is needed.

Dati tal-Attività

Total ta' ġimgħat: 50 . Perjodu: 01/09/2024 sa 31/08/2025

Post tal-Attività

Tallinn Estonia

 Volontarjat individwali

Qed infittxu parteċipanti minn

l-Awstrija, il-Belġju, il-Bulgarija, ir-Repubblika Ċeka, il-Ġermanja, id-Danimarka, il-Greċja, Spanja, il-Finlandja, Franza, il-Kroazja, l-Ungerija, l-Irlanda, l-Italja, l-Iżvezja, is-Slovenja, il-Latvja, il-Litwanja, Ċipru, il-Lussemburgu, Malta, in-Netherlands, il-Polonja, il-Portugall, is-Slovakkja

Temi tal-attività

Saħħa u benesseri

Data ta’ skadenza għall-applikazzjonijiet

Data tal-għeluq tal-applikazzjoni: 31/05/2024