EEE Volunteers – Europe, Education and Entrepreneurship

EEE Volunteers – Europe, Education and Entrepreneurship

Barafunda, Associação Juvenil de Cultura e Solidariedade Social

Benedita, Portugal

A jelentkezési határidő lejárt.

A tevékenység ismertetése

In this project, which highlights the importance of the intercultural dimension, 4 participants from 4 different countries will be involved in activities with different fields of action and target audiences (children, youth or adults), according to the interests and needs of the volunteers. Here are some activities possibilities: - Organization of events and activities that involve and / or empower the community; intercultural events; practical training workshops local knowledge and traditional techniques; tandem / exchange of languages and cultures - Monitoring in the space .Ponto Aprender, a collaborative learning space open to the community - Support / support / assistance to local people - Support to the international department (e.g. in the preparation of participants, contact with possible partner entities) - Development of a Guide for Youth and Associations in the West Region - Supports the creation of a local youth group - Creation of a local volunteer bank

Szállás, étkezés és utazás

Travel costs to and from Portugal will be reimbursed within the available budget for the Erasmus+ Programme depending on the origin country. The volunteer will have a single or shared room in a flat with other volunteers, with all necessary facilities. Pocket money and food allowance will be given at the first week of the month. Pocket money – 5€ per day (150€ per month); Food allowance – 150€ per month. Local transportation related to the project and inclusion/integration activities will be provided by the organization.

Képzés a tevékenység során

The volunteer will have guidance and mentoring by the team and an external mentor, providing help and the opportunities to exchange and share experiences. The volunteers will have, simultaneously, mentoring to participate in structured activities or autonomy to dynamize different activities within the project's objectives. Since training is part of our mission, as an organization, we can provide information, orientation and referral to the volunteers who seek additional training.

Résztvevői profil

We are looking for motivated volunteers, that are interested in: - Living and working in a intercultural, intergenerational, and cooperative learning and working environment - Learning new things and acquire new skills - Communicating in English and developing the knowledge and communication in Portuguese - Learning about and incorporating the values underlying EU - Share their knowledge, their skills and/or their culture.

A tevékenység ideje

Összesen 26 hét 01/04/2022 és 30/09/2022 között

A tevékenység helyszíne

Rua Heróis do Ultramar nº 34, 2475-150 Benedita Portugal

Ebből az országból várunk résztvevőket:

Magyarország, Görögország, Törökország, Egyiptom

A tevékenység témaköre

Társadalmi kihívások

Menekültek és migránsok befogadása és integrációja

Polgárság és demokratikus részvétel

Környezet- és természetvédelem

Egészség és jóllét

Oktatás és képzés

Foglalkoztatás és vállalkozói tevékenység

Kreativitás és kultúra

Jelentkezési határidő

Jelentkezés határideje: 16/03/2022