Rural volunteering in Spain (AGRES)

Rural volunteering in Spain (AGRES)

AC Amics

Agres, Spain

This activity is full, you cannot apply.

Opis dejavnosti

This activity takes place in the village of AGRES (region of Alicante). 500 inhabitants in this small village. Very friendly kids and youth (but very few of them) and lots of nice outdoors activities like hiking and nature. Excellent opportunity if you are looking for a quiet experience of volunteering. We have 2 available vacancies (posible for friends or couples). One will work mainly in the mornings and the other one mainly in the afternoons. All activities with the kids and youth from the city (mainly): Sports, leisure time, arts, English language lessons, music and anything else you can provide. We are willing to bring your cultures to our cities, so be ready to share part of your cultures. Please, make sure you are ready for this RURAL area, you will have a great time, but this is a very specific kind of experience, not good if you are looking for big cities and lots of people.

Nastanitev, prehrana in prevoz

Both volunteers will share an apartment in the village, they will receive the monthly allowance for food. Each person will have an individual room. Activities hapen in the same village where you will live, so no need for local transport. There is a train station connecting with Valencia city center in case you want to go and visit the city. You will also get a bicycle to use during your stay.

Usposabljanje med dejavnostjo

You will get the on-arrival training and the mid-term evaluation (by Spanish NA), and also you will get training in EU Projects management and in rural development.

Profil udeleženca

We are looking for volunteers ready to live in this rural area. Where the speed of life is not so fast like in the city. People who like the nature and the mountain. People who is active and willing to contribute in a positive way to the kids and youth of our village with the Nonformal education activities. We would like to have creative people, ready to invent activities or stories or games. And people willing to discover our culture and have a good time with us all here. Keep in mind that we are in a bilingual region, where we speak 2 different languages, be ready to learn both of them.

Datumi dejavnosti

Skupno število tednov: 24 (v obdobju od 01/02/2023 do 30/09/2023)

Kraj dejavnosti

03837 Agres Spain

 Individualne prostovoljske aktivnosti

Iščemo udeležence iz

Avstrija, Belgija, Bolgarija, Ciper, Češka, Nemčija, Danska, Estonija, Grčija, Španija, Finska, Francija, Hrvaška, Madžarska, Irska, Islandija, Italija, Litva, Latvija, Severna Makedonija, Malta, Nizozemska, Norveška, Poljska, Portugalska, Romunija, Srbija, Švedska, Slovenija, Slovaška

Teme dejavnosti

Državljanska in demokratična udeležba

Izobraževanje in usposabljanje

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