Grow with us

Grow with us

Expression o.z.

Spišská Belá, Slovakia

Id-data tal-applikazzjoni skadiet.

Deskrizzjoni tal-attività

The main activity of this project is work in the youth centre Face Club. The volunteers will be helpful in all of its activities during opening hours. They will be involved in activities, workshops, creative workshops for children, games of all kinds. Daily work in the “Face club” comprises: - preparing the space of club for daily work and activities (preparing materials, goods, repairing, cleaning) - preparing activities: children’s work (english thursday, sport days, creative days, program during holidays etc.), youth work (traveling evenings, film evenings, inspirational evening, English Thursday etc.), - morning programme at the club or outside the club for school (activities depend on running projects) - cooperation with our partners as needed, - occasional participation in cultural events (after mutual agreement), - participation in projects, activities and events organized by Expression o. z.

Akkomodazzjoni, ikel u arranġamenti tat-trasport

Accomodation - we provide accommodation in 4-rooms flat near to Face Club, it is flat in family house at first floor, volunteers have their own room, fully equipped kitchen, bathroom, wifi. Food - every month you receive pocket money plus money for food - so you master your money. Transport - with the volunteer we will find the appropriate mode of transport to Slovakia. During EVS we can provide a bicycle for less transport, but it is not necessary within the city.

Taħriġ matul l-attività

Volunteers will participate on on-arrival and mid-term training. Besides that they can participate on our trainings for youth - self development. And of course, they will have slovak lessons.

Profil tal-parteċipant

-openminded with enthusiasm - languages - english (basic communication) - intresting in sports, art, games, spending time with kids and youngsters

Dati tal-Attività

Total ta' ġimgħat: 52 . Perjodu: 01/04/2023 sa 31/03/2024

Post tal-Attività

Družstevá 36, 05901 Spišská Belá Slovakia

 Volontarjat individwali

Qed infittxu parteċipanti minn

l-Awstrija, il-Belġju, ir-Repubblika Ċeka, il-Ġermanja, id-Danimarka, l-Estonja, il-Finlandja, Franza, l-Ungerija, l-Italja, il-Litwanja, il-Latvja, in-Norveġja, in-Netherlands, il-Polonja, l-Ukrajna

Temi tal-attività

Sfidi soċjali

Edukazzjoni u taħriġ

Kreattività u kultura

Data ta’ skadenza għall-applikazzjonijiet

Data tal-għeluq tal-applikazzjoni: 31/03/2023