Culture Solidaire et Désir d’Europe 2 ! #1

Culture Solidaire et Désir d’Europe 2 ! #1

Maison de l'Europe de Nantes / Europa Nantes

Nantes, France

Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń upłynął.

Opis działania

The aim of this project is to promote European culture and citizenship among our different audiences, such as young people who are more distant from European issues. Participation in the following activities will be also proposed : 1 - Support during interventions in schools (ludic and interactive approach – 5 to 18). 2 - Sharing his/her experience of mobility with young people to encourage them to discover other countries and cultures (especially his/her). The volunteer will be able to organise moments of exchange between young people if he/she wants. 3 - Supporting communication activities and helping to develop our new "Europa Nantes" space 4 - Participation in the organisation and animation of events, in particular the Europe Day in May 2023

Zakwaterowanie, wyżywienie i transport

The accommodation will be provided. A food and pocket money allowance and public transport are also included. The volunteer will have the opportunity to attend French classes once on site. The activity place will be at Europa Nantes, a 1000 m2 space dedicated to Europe, in the "Quartier de la Création". The young in ESC will have a space on the 1st floor with the members of the team.

Szkolenie w trakcie działania

Overall, the volunteer will develop personal and professional competences during these 10th months. A pre-departure/welcome training and mid-term training will be organised. Other training courses may be offered to volunteer during his/her volunteering.

Profil uczestnika

We are looking for a motivated, outgoing and enthusiastic person who adheres to our values and for whom interculturality, intercognition, European citizenship and solidarity are important. The desire to work with young people (5 to 18) will be a big asset. His/her willingness to reach out to the most sceptical, indifferent or distant audiences (urban and rural) from European issues and European mobility will be a plus. We are looking for someone who is open-minded, enjoys working in a team and appreciates developing cooperation. Basic knowledge of French can be appreciate.

Daty projektu

Łączna liczba tygodni:24 w okresie od 24/04/2023 do 15/10/2023

Miejsce realizacji projektu

90 Boulevard de la Prairie au Duc, 44200 Nantes France

Poszukujemy uczestników z krajów:

Austria, Bułgaria, Cypr, Chorwacja, Dania, Estonia, Grecja, Węgry, Irlandia, Litwa, Łotwa, Luksemburg, Malta, Niderlandy, Polska, Portugalia, Republika Czeska, Rumunia, Słowacja, Słowenia, Szwecja, Norwegia, Islandia, Włochy, Hiszpania, Belgia, Liechtenstein

Tematy projektu

Wyzwania społeczne

Obywatelstwo i uczestnictwo w życiu demokratycznym

Kształcenie i szkolenie

Kreatywność i kultura

Termin składania zgłoszeń

Termin zgłoszeń: 10/04/2023