Community Gardens / Social Green Challenges

Community Gardens / Social Green Challenges

Denkmalsozial gGmbH

Leipzig, Germany

This activity is closed, you cannot apply.

Descrierea activității

We at Denkmalsozial are very happy to host you as a volunteer of the European Solidarity Corps. As a volunteer, your main activity will be working in our two community gardens (Hildegarten & DILL) in the beautiful city of Leipzig. Don't worry, you won't be alone, you will team up with our local volunteers (BUFDI) and another European volunteer (ESC). You will also be involved in the organisation of events such as the second edition of our ecological festival CO-UP or our intercultural project Gerichte mit Geschicte (Meals with history). We would love to know what your hobbies and interests are so that together we can plan some activities that match your talents. If you like music or any kind of art, Leipzig is a city full of art and culture. If you want to live in a city surrounded by forests and lakes Leipzig will surprise you.

Profilul participantului

Our ideal participant is a nice and friendly person who gets along well with others. You will develop your volunteer activity together with the people in our community gardens, so social contact will be a constant. An interest in gardening and ecology, in general, will also be important. Ideally, our volunteers should feel at ease in an intercultural environment and be willing to get to know new cultural aspects. Our volunteer has a basic level of German and is fluent in English. He/she also plays a musical instrument or does other artistic activities.

Datele activității

Un număr total de 104 săptămâni, în perioada 01/09/2022 - 31/08/2024

Locul activității

GutsMuthsstraße 46, 04177 Leipzig Germany

Se caută participanți din

Albania, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaidjan, Bosnia și Herțegovina, Belgia, Bulgaria, Belarus, Cipru, Republica Cehă, Germania, Danemarca, Algeria, Estonia, Egipt, Grecia, Spania, Finlanda, Franța, Georgia, Croația, Ungaria, Irlanda, Israel, Islanda, Italia, Iordania, Liban, Liechtenstein, Lituania, Luxemburg, Letonia, Libia, Maroc, Moldova (Republic of), Muntenegru, Macedonia de Nord, Malta, Țările de Jos, Norvegia, Polonia, Palestina, Portugalia, România, Serbia, Russian Federation, Suedia, Slovenia, Slovacia, Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia, Turcia, Ucraina, Regatul Unit, Kosovo * UN resolution, British Antarctic Territory, Anguilla, Aruba, Saint-Barthélemy, Bermuda, Bonaire Sint Eustatius and Saba, Canary Islands, Curaçao, Insulele Falkland, Guyana Franceză, Groenlanda, Guadelupa, Teritoriul Britanic din Oceanul Indian, Insulele Cayman, Saint Martin (french part), Martinica, Montserrat, Noua Caledonie, Polinezia Franceză, St Pierre and Miquelon, Pitcairn, Réunion, Saint Helena, Insulele Turks și Caicos, French Southern and Antarctic Territories, Virgin Islands (British), Wallis și Futuna

Temele activității

Provocări sociale

Mediu și protecția naturii

Creativitate și cultură

Data-limită pentru înscriere

Nu există termen-limită pentru trimiterea cererii