ESC in supporting local youth and minor asylum seekers – Greece

ESC in supporting local youth and minor asylum seekers – Greece

YC Epirus

Ioannina, Greece

Rok za prijavo je potekel.

Opis dejavnosti

1 AVAILABLE OPEN POSITION. Please refer in the Motivation Letter which one you choose: •Belong to YOUTH CENTER.Tasks: management activities informing local young adults about opportunities offering weekly/monthly workshops/activities(cultural-language activity,seminars of crafts/art,youth social environment issues) planning,preparing,leading small events management of organisation's Youth department social media online content creation about young social issues and local cultural heritage(videomaking,podcasts,photography,research,article writing) •Belong to UNACCOMPANIED MINORS ASYLUM SEEKER CENTER.Tasks: planning,preparation and implementation of informal/non-formal educational activities for male asylum seeker teenagers ages 12-17 work on online content creation(articles,photography,video,podcasts)on asylum seekers’themes,few hours everyday implementation of non-formal education activities,2-4 times a week attend weekly preparation meetings,2 times a week

Nastanitev, prehrana in prevoz

Accommodation will be in apartment in the city center (shared bedroom with 1 or 2 other volunteers of the same gender), 3 minutes walking distance from the office. The volunteer will monthly receive 4 Euros a day for food expenses, as well as pocket money 5 Euros a day. ONLY FOR UNACCOMPANIED MINORS ASYLUM SEEKER CENTER Transportation will be provided (car/minivan with a driver) for activities that will take place in the asylum seeker accommodation facility.

Usposabljanje med dejavnostjo

The selected volunteers will receive pre-departure training in Italy (in Rimini or online) on the project and on values of the ESC Programme. Volunteers will be trained then in: organisation's Code of Conduct and specific rules of their work field; safety, protection and security, hygiene and health, protection from sexual exploitation and abuse and non-formal education in the context of young adults or unaccompanied asylum seeker integration. ONLY FOR YOUTH CENTER Basic training in videomaking/digital skills upon necessity

Profil udeleženca

We are looking for applicants aged 22-30, fluent in English, independent, eager to regularly propose and initiate activities, work in an international team, be responsible and comply with our rules and regulations with a very high sense of responsibility, creative and flexible, able to lead activities for groups of young adults. Experience in leading informal and non-formal education activities and work with young adults, having ideas of workshops for young adults, experience in video making and other type of content creation will be considered as a strong asset for the applicants.

Datumi dejavnosti

Skupno število tednov: 26 (v obdobju od 01/11/2022 do 31/08/2023)

Kraj dejavnosti

Kaplani 10, 45444 Ioannina Greece

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Teme dejavnosti

Sprejem in vključevanje beguncev in migrantov

Državljanska in demokratična udeležba

Izobraževanje in usposabljanje

Rok za prijavo

Rok za prijavo: 26/10/2022