Volunteer at Park Library

Volunteer at Park Library

Parkas Library

Kaunas, Lithuania

This activity is closed, you cannot apply.

Beskrivelse af aktiviteten

Kaunas municipality V. Kudirka public library’s Parkas department is an institution of culture, education and information, where documents are collected, administered and saved, information is systemized and distributed. Library access is free of charge. Different events happen in the library: lectures, creative workshops, there is a possibility to learn computer literacy. Main aims: to ensure diversity of information through different channels;  to develop new service and improve service quality;  to participate in creating a new information system for Lithuanian libraries;  to develop international cooperation.

Logi, mad og transport

 Volunteering app. 35 hours/week  On-arrival and mid-term trainings  Accommodation in a private room in a shared apartment  Monthly ticket for public transport (if applicable)  Monthly food and pocket money  Volunteer group meetings once/month  Meeting with a mentor once/month  Online and face to face Lithuanian language class  Participating in public solidarity events  Organization of info/promo solidarity events

Oplæring under aktiviteten

On-arri val training; monthl y meetings with your mentor; Lithuanian language classes.

Deltagerens profil

 You like books;  you are communicative, polite, creative;  you like activities with children;  you could teach the basics of a foreign language.

Datoer for aktiviteter

I alt 26 uge(r) i perioden 01/04/2023 til 30/09/2023

Steder for aktiviteter

Kaunas Lithuania

 Individuelt frivilligt arbejde

Leder efter deltagere fra

Østrig, Bosnien-Hercegovina, Belgien, Bulgarien, Cypern, Tjekkiet, Tyskland, Danmark, Estland, Grækenland, Spanien, Finland, Frankrig, Kroatien, Ungarn, Irland, Island, Italien, Liechtenstein, Litauen, Luxembourg, Letland, Malta, Nederlandene, Norge, Polen, Portugal, Sverige, Slovenien, Slovakiet, Ukraine

Emner for aktiviteten

Samfundsmæssige udfordringer

Borgerskab og deltagelse i demokratiet

Miljø- og naturbeskyttelse

Sundhed og velfærd

Uddannelse og erhvervsuddannelse

Beskæftigelse og iværksætterkultur

Kreativitet og kultur

Bekæmpelse af forskelsbehandling (bl.a. kønsdiskrimination)


Ingen ansøgningsfrist