Kindergarten with science-oriented profile in Leipzig, Germany

Kindergarten with science-oriented profile in Leipzig, Germany

Herbie e.V. - Kindertagesstätte Gohliser Höfe

Leipzig, Germany

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Deskrizzjoni tal-attività

The "Gohliser Höfe" day care centre, which opened in 2020, is located in the middle of the old industrial site of the former world market leader for cable cars - the Bleichert factories. The day care centre has room for 90 children from the age of one year until school entry. Due to the natural science-oriented profile this day care centre creates a stimulating environment that invites them to experiment, research and discover. In this way, the children can develop their creativity and pursue their natural exploratory urge. The proximity to the park also enables the children to discover and explore nature and observe changes. A conscious approach to nature and its resources should also be important.

Akkomodazzjoni, ikel u arranġamenti tat-trasport

We provide you with a furnished room in a small shared apartment with a shared kitchen and bathroom. You will receive your lunch at the kindergarten, for the other meals you will receive a financial allowance. You will also receive a financial amount with which you can buy a ticket for the tram in Leipzig. Optionally and if you want , we provide you with a bicycle.

Taħriġ matul l-attività

In addition to the National Agency seminars, there is an educational seminar day once a month with your tutor and other volunteers. Here, we exchange information about your work and everyday life and combine this with excursions, educational content or experiential educational activities. In addition, you will receive a language course based on your language level.

Profil tal-parteċipant

As a volunteers place of assignment, we offer volunteers the opportunity to gain first insights into professional childcare. Volunteers can help the children to develop into independent personalities through their work. We see the volunteers as a supporting part of our team, who can gradually take over a variety of tasks independently, whether pedagogical, nursing or housekeeping. We are happy when volunteers enrich our work with their abilities, interests and talents. It would be fine if you bring with you at minimum a basic knoweledge of the german language.

Dati tal-Attività

Total ta' ġimgħat: 52 . Perjodu: 01/09/2023 sa 31/08/2024

Post tal-Attività

Wilhelm-Sammet-Straße 33-39, 04157 Leipzig Germany

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