TEAM ESC Life & activities on a eco farm in Swedish nature - Sept

Hästekasen Gård Förening
Hastekasen Farm Association
no city, Sweden
Hastekasen Farm Association is a learning center / small community of small scale farming and natural building Living on the countryside (Permaculture). Building with natural methods Adventure and lots of nature Simple low standard living. Looking for self motivated, participants with work ethics and the ability to take responsibility with an interest of developing leadership skills. The work is obligatory and is very practical - if you have no prior experience of using your mind and hands and body in PRACTICAL situations - don´t apply. We want a good match that benefits: you, the host, EU. The activities that we do here must have a link to what you HAVE been doing in your life, as well as what you want to do in the FUTURE. "Nature protection" means that you will have to live with less resources, lower standard. A miserable life according to many. "Employability" basically means that you will have to get up in the morning and take responsibility.
Accommodation, food and transport arrangements
Very simple living. No hot water. Dry toilet. No smoking. No town, no shops, limited wifi, only nature. Host do the food shopping and plans. No meat. No exotic products. Travel money up to 275 euro maximum and pocket money 6 euro / a day We expect you to travel by land (train).
Training during the activity
Learning will be non formal and sometimes informal. Your enthusiasm is needed for learning to happen. There will be 15-20 people staying here including visitors and volunteers. The ONLY way to be considered for this position is for you to write a: 1) personal letter that shows that you have read the LINKS supplied here, especially the link with all the questions. Just clicking APPLY will NOT work. It will just show that you have not read this text properly. Read here: Apply here:
Participant profile
You are interested in living simple close to nature in a rural environment far from cities. You would like to learn about nature and care for environment (by consuming less) You are interested in healthy living, avoiding addictions (internet, nicotine, alcohol e t c). Mostly eating vegetarian. You are interested in doing natural building, some gardening and forestry work. You are able to live in a community/family and do your share of household work. You would like to explore your own ideas/creativity within the topics. This is a TEAM ESC - open also for those that have done ESC before.
Activity dates
From 01/09/2025 to 30/09/2025
Activity location
Hästekasvägen 6, no city, Sweden
Volunteering teams
Looking for participants from
Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, Hungary, Latvia, Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, Slovakia, Ukraine
Activity topics
Environment and natural protection
Health and wellbeing
Employment and entrepreneurship
Deadline for applications
Application deadline: 31/07/2025 23:59