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Accredited organisation



C/Los Altos 9K. Urb. Señorío de Illescas , 45200, Illescas, Toledo, Spain - +34648537837

Description of organisation

Ecocompartimos is an organization that was born in 2013, based on the needs detected through a charity shop that the organization had in Illescas, Toledo. In 2013 also, the organization was accredited within the program Erasmus + as a sending, coordinating and hosting organization.
Until February 2019, the charity shop financed some of Ecocompartimos projects and constituted the space for all its actions, but due to the high cost of renting, the association decided to close the store.
In March 2019, a new journey for the organization started, a little more complicated, due to the lack of space to carry out the activities.
Thanks to collaborations with the City Council of Illescas and some other private entities, Ecocompartimos has been solving the problem of lack of space. To all this situation, we have to add the Covid, which has complicated the issue of spaces and the number of participants. Although, this obstacle has also been solved thanks to online activities and activities in open spaces.
The activities and services we offer today are aimed at families, women, youth and children mainly at risk of social exclusion, but we do not make exceptions for people who want to be part of our initiatives.
Ecocompartimos is formed by a group of volunteers thanks to which it is possible to maintain the great variety of services offered.

The motivation to apply for the new quality label of the European Solidarity Corps is to be able to continue giving continuity to the projects that we currently have assets and the possibility of creating new projects based on the needs that arise. The quality label will allow us to offer a wide range of opportunities to young people with whom we work both in Spain and outside our country.

Ecocompartimos es una organización que nace en 2013, a partir de las necesidades detectadas a través de una tienda solidaria que tenía la fundadora en Illescas, Toledo. En 2013 también, se acredita a la organización dentro del programa
Erasmus+ como organización de envío, coordinadora y de acogida. Hasta febrero de 2019, la tienda financia algunos de los proyectos de Ecocompartimos y constituye el espacio de todas sus acciones, pero debido al alto coste del alquiler del
local, la asociación decide cerrar la tienda. A partir de marzo de 2019, comienza una nueva andadura de la asociación, un poco más complicada, por la falta de espacio para realizar las actividades. Gracias a colaboraciones con el Ayuntamiento de Illescas y otras entidades privadas, vamos solventando el problema de la falta de espacio. A toda esta situación, hemos de añadir el Covid, que ha complicado un poco más el tema de los espacios y el número de participantes, pero este obstáculo también ha sido solventado gracias a las actividades online y en espacios abiertos.
Las actividades y servicios que ofrecemos a día de hoy están dirigidas a familias, mujeres, jóvenes y niños principalmente en riesgo de exclusión social, pero no hacemos excepciones con las personas que quieren formar parte de nuestras iniciativas.
Ecocompartimos está formado por un grupo de voluntarios gracias a los cuales es posible mantener la gran variedad de servicios que ofrece.

  • This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label. The Quality Label certifies that the organisation is able to run projects in compliance with the principles and objectives of the European Solidarity Corps.

Scope Volunteering

Role Expiry date
Hosting 31/12/2027
Supporting 31/12/2027

Lead organisation

PIC: 946256826 OID: E10095120

Organisation topics

Community development


Promoting gender equality