RADIOactivity in not always a bad thing!

RADIOactivity in not always a bad thing!

Maribor, Slovenia

3 , Odprto

Opis projekta

Become member of Maribor student radio (Radio Marš) for 1 year (or for life). Volunteers will get the neccessary basic training of all aspects of radio work (speaking, recording, writing, mixing). Once there introductory training will be concluded, they will - together with other volunteers (max. 3) - work on activities, that range from an EVS radio show, thematic radio emissions, sound production, journalism, organizing events (concerts, roundtable discussions) or other personal projects. Volunteers will have their own room in a flat shared by other volunteers and/or students in Maribor. They will be located in the immediate vicinity of the radio station, in Maribor city center. The flat will have a shared kitchen, bathroom, internet access.


Profil prostovoljca

We are looking for creative people who are interested in doing radio. A radio background is not required, but an advantage. Interests/professions are not narrowed down, as we are covering a big variety of content (culture, society, environment, democratic processes). English or Slovenian is required.



Send us an email with your CV and motivational letter in which you describe why you would like to come to Maribor, what your interests are and which projects you would like to work on at Radio Marš


Sorodne povezave

Radio MaršDruštvo za podporo radiu Marš

This opportunity is offered in the frame of an Erasmus+ volunteering project and will be confirmed as soon as funding is approved.
For further information on the status of the project, please get in touch with the organisation.

Datumi projekta

Skupno število tednov: 52 (v obdobju od 31/08/2015 do 30/06/2016)

Lokacija projekta

Tkalski prehod 4, 2000 Maribor Slovenia

Iščemo prostovoljce iz

Albanija, Armenija, Avstrija, Azerbajdžan, Bosna in Hercegovina, Belgija, Bolgarija, Belorusija, Ciper, Češka, Nemčija, Danska, Alžirija, Estonija, Egipt, Grčija, Španija, Finska, Francija, Gruzija, Hrvaška, Madžarska, Irska, Izrael, Islandija, Italija, Jordanija, Libanon, Lihtenštajn, Litva, Luksemburg, Latvija, Libija, Maroko, Moldova (Republic of), Črna gora, Severna Makedonija, Malta, Nizozemska, Norveška, Poljska, Palestina, Portugalska, Romunija, Srbija, Russian Federation, Švedska, Slovenija, Slovaška, Syrian Arab Republic, Tunizija, Turčija, Ukrajina, Združeno kraljestvo, Kosovo * UN resolution, British Antarctic Territory, Angvila, Aruba, Saint-Barthélemy, Bermudi, Bonaire Sint Eustatius and Saba, Canary Islands, Curaçao, Falklandski otoki, Francoska Gvajana, Grenlandija, Guadeloupe, Britansko ozemlje v Indijskem oceanu, Kajmanski otoki, Saint Martin (french part), Martinik, Montserrat, Nova Kaledonija, Francoska Polinezija, Pitcairn, Reunion, Saint Helena, Sint Maarten (dutch part), Otoki Turks in Caicos, French Southern and Antarctic Territories

Področja prostovoljskega projekta

Ustvarjalnost in kultura

Rok za prijavo

Rok za prijavo: 07/04/2015


Name: Aljoša Peternel

Phone: +386 40 586 766

Organizacija gostiteljica


MARIBOR, Slovenija

Organizacija koordinatorka


MARIBOR, Slovenija