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Corpo Europeu de Solidariedade

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bicycle repairer wanted in Stanica - culture center/train station


Truc sphérique - official name of NGO, Stanica - name of the culture venue

Žilina, Eslováquia


For this particular EVS position, we are looking for a person whose primary activity will be working in our bicycle repairing facility Recykel. The volunteer will help repairing, designing and building bikes and manage the workshop, s/he can also organize small bikeevents. Our EVS volunteers are involved in almost all the processes related to everyday operation of independent cultural venue. They sell tickets before the events, they distribute posters, prepare guest room or catering for artists, help us at the café. Other activities depends on mutual discussion and on the individual preferences, background and profile of the volunteer. He/she can develop his own activity which makes sense and fits with our programme. During 12 months spent in our organisation, the volunteer can gain unique experience for people who would like to continue working in the independent cultural field. We are looking for a person who will actively look for new tasks and activities if he will be idle.

Comparticipação nas despesas de alojamento, alimentação e transporte

We have two flats for the volunteers so you will live in a two room or three room flat approximately 12 minutes of walking from the venue. Every volunteer has his own room. The flat is located in the broad center of Žilina, 85-thousand town located not far from mountains. This town is suitable for walking/biking, mass transportation not needed. Each volunteers gets 300 eur monthly for food and pocket money. They can cook at their flat, the kitchen is fully equipped. The travelling costs are covered fully.

Formação durante a atividade

It is necessary that the bikes and cycling is volunteer's passion in a way that s/he wants to spread and support the idea of ecological, healthy, quick and cheap way how to move within a city. Previous experience with bike fixing is very welcome but not completely necessary. The will to learn new things and help with ongoing activities is obligatory. The volunteer will be working with staff members of our organization that has skills in various areas of work, connected to independent culture venue. Recykel is part of this venue, but not its main function.

Perfil do participante

requirements on the volunteer: - independance - flexibility - active and initiative personality - passion for city bicycling as way of individual transportation - technical abilities benefits of our organization: - rich social life, - diversity of cultural programme, - diversity of local community - possibility to participate in all events, negatives of our organization: - rich social life - sometimes too much work - sometimes too much freedom - sometimes very silly and politically incorrect humour

Datas da atividade

De 01/04/2017 a 31/03/2018

Local da atividade

Závodská cesta 3/2844, Žilina, Eslováquia

Voluntariado individual

Procuramos participantes dos seguintes países

Temas da atividade

Environment and natural protection

Health and wellbeing

Creativity and culture

Data-limite para a apresentação de candidaturas

Prazo de candidatura: 03/03/2018 23:59