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MBSC Spring Clean-up Day

Matra Biker Sport Club logo @Mátra Biker Sport Club

26/03/2023 09:30

26/03/2023 16:00

[CET] Central European Time


(HU) Tavaszi nagytakarítás 2023. március 26-án a gyöngyösi Mátra Biker Sport Clubbal. Gyere el! Szedjük össze a szemetet! Hozd a barátodat is!

Találkozó 09:30 órakor Gyöngyösön, a Károly Róbert Diákhotel melletti nádfedeles épület parkolójában.

Takarítás helyszíne: a Gyöngyös és Mátrafüred közötti kerékpárút.

#matrabiker #tavaszinagytakaritas


(EN) Spring Clean-up Day on 26 March 2023 with the members of the Mátra Biker Sport Club. Join our community cleanup event to clean and improve public spaces. Let's clean our communities together!

Cleaning location: the cycle path between Gyöngyös and Mátrafüred, Hungary.

Activity details
Activity format With face-to-face presence
Starts on 26/03/2023 09:30
Ends on 26/03/2023 16:00
Timezone [CET] Central European Time
Organised by Mátra Biker Sport Club
Organisation website
Contact email
Target age range 13 or younger; 14-17; 18-24; 25-30; 31-35; Over 35
Language of the activity Hungarian
Type of activity Campaign
Activity topics Participation & engagement; European values; Youth and the world; Inclusion & equality; Health, well-being & sports; Climate & environment
Booking Drop in – no booking required
Youth Goals this activity is linked to Equality of All Genders; Inclusive Societies; Mental Health & Wellbeing; Moving Rural Youth Forward; Quality Learning; Space and Participation for All; Sustainable Green Europe
Related to the Conference on the Future of Europe No
Number of expected participants (estimate) 30