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Stratégia EÚ pre mládež

Stratégia EÚ pre mládež, ktorou chce Únia podnietiť mladých ľudí, aby sa stali aktívnymi občanmi presadzujúcimi demokraciu a zapojenými do života spoločnosti. Vyzývame mladých ľudí, aby sa zapojili do dialógu EÚ s mládežou a dali nám vedieť, na čom im záleží.

EU Youth Coordinator

What is the EU Youth Coordinator?

European Commission proposals for the EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027 included the establishment of an EU Youth Coordinator within the European Commission, with the objective of enhancing cross-sectoral cooperation, as well as knowledge development and exchange on youth issues within the European Commission services.

The EU Youth Coordinator will work hand in hand with various stakeholders to ensure a coherent communication towards young people.

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