Zeri Qytetar

Zeri Qytetar

Lagjia "Kongresi", 9001, Lushnje, Albania


beskrivning av organisationen

Zeri Qytetar (Citizen’s Voice) is a growing, developing, and committed NGO operating in Lushnje since 2013. Its mission is to support, protect and promote the rights and interests of citizens with a special focus on women, youth, and marginalized groups, improve their lives and serve as a bridge between civil society, the community, and local actors. Our activities related to the field concerned include awareness-raising activities with the youth living in Lushnja. Related to the target groups, we mainly have in focus, we have organized several activities related to their empowerment, capacity building, guaranteeing them our frequent and continuous support. We have organized several awareness raising activities with women in the increment of their participation in government and decision-making processes. Other activities focused on women and the importance of responsible budgeting process. We have also organized activities which aimed at offering food aids to the marginalized groups during difficult times such as COVID-19 or the earthquake in Albania. Our experts, have organized training with the parents of children with disabilities in order to assist them during the period of isolation. We have also organized activities with young people and we have always considered them as partners in the taking of various initiatives. Some of the activities include awareness raising activities related to the environment and the increment of youth volunteering.

Den här organisationen har fått Europeiska solidaritetskårens kvalitetsmärkning, som intygar att organisationens projekt är i linje med kårens mål och principer.

Typ av verksamhet Volontärarbete

Roll T.o.m.
PIC: 907730269 OID: E10241189
Senaste uppdatering 31/05/24

Organisationens inriktning


European identity and values

Youth entrepreneurship