Discovering Europe - Montessori Kinderhaus am Wannsee

Discovering Europe - Montessori Kinderhaus am Wannsee

Montessori Kinderhaus am Wannsee

Berlin, Germany

1 , Full

Opis projekta

"Montessori and Friends” operates several institutions in and around Berlin. The pedagogical concept is based on the principle of progressive education created by Maria Montessori as well as the latest pedagogical insights. Montessori Kinderhaus am Wannsee offers high quality early development in a multicultural Setting. Up to 30 kids are taken care of from 8am to 5pm. Welcomed are children from 2 years up to primary school age from different cultures; the group operates bilingually in English and German. Due to its location, the nature plays a big role in the daily life of the kindergarten and children are taught to treat the environment well. Children and teachers have a close relationship characterized by trust, shared experiences, and intensive communication. Kinderhaus am Wannsee is located closely to the International Montessori School – staff work closely together and the children are prepared for the bilingual primary school; shared activities are very common.


Smještaj, hrana i prijevoz

Accomodation is provided in a shared apartment probably with another volunteer. Your daily travel time to work might be up to one hour (per direction) by train, because Berlin is a large city. You will be provided with a monthly ticket for local public transport. You will receive a monthly payment for grocery shopping.


Osposobljavanje tijekom projekta

Tasks you may perform during your time as a volunteer: - Caretaking of the children - Supporting the children in their daily tasks - Accompanying events and trips - Initiating little projects with the children outside You will learn: - Democratic education in everyday life - Learning and teaching with all senses - Self-reflection of you own development - Getting to know a new working environment - Change of roles from learner to educational tutor


Profil volontera

Volunteers should... - possess basic knowledge of the German language and very good knowledge of the English language (C1) - be interested in (Montessori) pedagogy and working with children - have some creative, technical, sports and/or musical skills


Kako se prijaviti

Send us an email with your CV and we will send you an application form if you match the criteria. For further information about the project, please contact AFS or the sending partners in your home country.


This opportunity is offered in the frame of an Erasmus+ volunteering project and will be confirmed as soon as funding is approved.
For further information on the status of the project, please get in touch with the organisation.

Razdoblje trajanja projekta

Ukupan broj tjedana: 52 (u razdoblju od 01/07/2018 do 31/10/2019)

Mjesto projekta

Berlin Germany

Traže se volonteri iz

Italija, Španjolska, Ujedinjena Kraljevina, Mađarska, Latvija, Francuska, Danska, Češka

Područja projekta

Građanstvo EU-a, podizanje svijesti o EU-u i demokracija

Pitanja tržišta rada, uključujući i profesionalno usmjeravanje / nezaposlenost mladih

Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning

Rok za prijavu

Prijava nije vremenski ograničena

Organizacija primateljica

Montessori Kindergarten und Krippe am Wannsee

Berlin, Njemačka

Organizacija pošiljateljica

Associazione Porta Nuova Europa

Pavia, Italija


MADRID, Španjolska

Community Education Foundation & Lyncx (CEF Lyncx)

London, Ujedinjena Kraljevina

AFS Magyarország Nemzetközi Csereprogram Alapítvány

Budapest, Mađarska

"AFS Latvija" Starpkultūru programmas.

Rīga, Latvija

Une Terre Culturelle

Marseille, Francuska

AFS Interkultur

Frederiksberg, Danska

AFS Mezikulturni programy, o.p.s.

Praha, Češka

Organizacija koordinatorica


HAMBURG, Njemačka