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ERASMUS+ Virtual Exchange

The Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange project 2018-2020 is now finished. Please stay tuned to the European Youth Portal for further developments!

04 Dec 2019

Gender, Journalism, and Media: Participants’ Experiences

Gender In/equality in Media and Journalism has its second run in February 2020, after a successful summer session with more participants than ever. 

Groups made the most of their virtual meetings and explored the media-gender relationship in different countries; reflected on their own media consumption and shared their perspectives on the representation of marginalised groups in the media industry. The course proved to be “enlightening” and a “fun learning experience”.

Additionally to sharing their thoughts on the weekly themes during the online group meetings, participants conducted short interviews in their own communities and presented their findings in a final written or audio-visual piece.

Together with their peers, the groups decided on specific interview questions, such as: "Who holds leadership positions in your work/study?" "Do you agree with the current representation of women and men in leadership roles or would you like it be changed?" "Do you think that there is an issue with female representation in the media?" 

Asking friends, colleagues, fellow students or even family members about the topic was an "eye opening" experience for participants. One of them assures that his mother started to jokingly refer to themes from the course and calling for him to contribute to gender equality in their household. Sharing his story with fellow group members was a fun highlight of the course. 

Findings were presented in a creative way, as final written or audio-visual pieces, some chose to make a podcast, create a blog or submit a written reflective essay.

Apply Now! "Gender In/Equality in the Media and Journalism Interactive Open Online Course"

(February 3 - March 6 - Application deadline: 20 January)

This course is open and free of charge to anyone between 18- 30 years old and is a resident in, or with the nationality off, one of the Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange Project countries. 

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