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ERASMUS+ Virtual Exchange

The Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange project 2018-2020 is now finished. Please stay tuned to the European Youth Portal for further developments!

22 Jul 2020

Twitter chat on the impact of COVID-19 on global online learning: #VECovidChat

On 22 June, a live Twitter chat was organised by the Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange project. The open, live discussion was hosted on the @EUErasmusPlus account.

It was an opportunity to hear views from educators, young people, youth workers, students, and Virtual Exchange experts on the use of Virtual Exchange as a tool for online education. It also provided a space to reflect on the impact of COVID-19 on global online learning, engaging key influencers who share Erasmus+ Virtual Exchnage values.

The conversation was rich and lively, generating more than 3,600 engagements, including over 395 replies and 734 re-tweets. Using this interactive space, participants generated quality content around the importance of the project, shared their experiences with Virtual Exchange and their hopes for the future.

The hashtag #VECovidChat reached over half a million accounts (548K) and had 5,632,094 impressions.

It's not too late to check out the thread at #VECovidChat or on the dedicated Twitter moment. We are grateful for the great contributions provided by our community and the range of experiences shared. 

The word cloud image above shows some of the key words most frequently used during this conversation.