96% of young people in the EU uses the internet daily
Last updated on Tuesday, 18/07/2023
In 2022, 96% of young people aged 16-29 years in the EU reported using the internet every day. According to the data, 84% used it to participate in social media networks. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most activities saw an increase, most notably taking online courses.
Daily internet use among young people in 2022 was above 94% in all EU countries:
• the highest shares were registered in Malta, Luxembourg, Portugal, Czechia, Lithuania, Slovenia and Latvia (99% each) as well as in Ireland (100%);
• the less expressive shares were recorded in Italy and Bulgaria (94% each).
Uses given by young people to the internet
According to the data, in 2022, 84% of young people used the internet to participate in social media networks. This is, in fact, the favorite use given by young people to internet since 2014.
Other main uses identified in 2022 were reading news online and internet banking. While the use of the internet for banking has been consistently increasing since 2014 (from 45% to 64%), reading news online peaked in 2020 and has since then decreased (from 73% to 68%).
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most activities saw an increase, most notably taking online courses, which jumped from 13% in 2019 to 35% in 2021. However, in 2022, it has fallen to 28%.
Finally, in 2022, only 23% used the internet for civic or political participation, an activity that has registered a slight growth since 2015.
For more information:
- Data graphs: Individuals - frequency of internet use / Individuals - internet activities
- Statistics Explained article on Being young in Europe today - digital world
- Thematic section on digital economy and society
- Database on the digital economy and society
- Thematic section on youth
- Database on youth
- Young Europeans visualisation tool
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