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European Year of Youth online survey: results are out!

Dernière modification le Lundi, 06/12/2021

Do you want to get a glimpse into the mind of young people and find out what do they want out of the European Year of Youth 2022? Young people shared their proposals and concerns, and today, the results of the survey are out!

Almost 5.000 responses 

The European Year of Youth will be created together with young people. As part of the co-creation process, the European Commission launched an online survey  on 22 October, for young people to take the floor, share their ideas and help us shape the European Year of Youth.   

The survey received almost 5.000 responses, which came from every corner of Europe and beyond. While the majority of young people would like to actively contribute to the European Year of Youth, some of them expressed their concerns about it. In addition, young people are tired of the pandemic, and they want to make the most of 2022.  

What was the profile of the most typical responders? 

Most of the responses came from young people between the ages of 18 and 24, living in cities or towns and without any previous experience in a European youth initiative. A majority of respondents were females. 

The top three countries that participated in the survey were Greece, Italy and Spain. 

Check out the full report and read about the proposals and concerns of young people.