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© OeAD/SALTO European Solidarity Corps

How do democracy, solidarity, network science, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and augmented realities connect?

Last updated on Tuesday, 16/07/2024

See how the connection of network science to democratic participation is discussed from various angles: from the topology of cities, volunteering experience with digital participation, political divisiveness. Speakers come from research groups, completed by young people through Europeers.

SALTO European Solidarity Corps and SALTO Participation & Information jointly organised a webinar to spark meaningful conversations about the following questions: 

Where do solidarity, democratic participation and network science connect? 

What about digital participation? 

How can Artificial Intelligence come into the picture? 

Guest speakers: 

  • Balazs Lengyel – Neti Lab Budapest 
  • Irina Buzu – Member of AI Expert group at Council of Europe, Advisor to the Deputy Prime-Minister, Minister for Economic Development and Digitalisation in Moldova 
  • Panu Räsänen (Verke) – Youth worker, master student studying AI and Big Data networks 
  • Cesar A. Hidalgo – Center for Collective Learning