Keep Your Eyes Open - campaign on raising awareness on victims' rights
Last updated on Thursday, 09/02/2023
The European Commission (DG JUST) has designed an innovative data-driven 360° communication campaign that will open the eyes of young people to the topic of victims’ rights and provide them with the information they need to spot, help, and support victims in their social circle.
The key message of the campaign will encourage young people (18- to 30-year-olds) to offer victims help and support. It is based on the simple yet powerful key message and promise: I will keep my eyes open.
The idea behind this is that often victims of violence can feel powerless, abandoned, alone, and not seen. Without enough support from others and the lack of knowledge about their rights, it is hard for them to take necessary action: to find help within a specialized victim support organisation or to report a crime.
The message will be promoted on a series of channels and during various activities in 10 focus countries: BE, BG, CZ, HU, HR, ET, LV, PL, RO, and SK.
A dedicated website highlights specific victims’ rights, tips to help victims and specialised support organisations in all the countries.