Names and contact details of external processors
Eurodesk Brussels Link
It manages European level content (articles, news, events and stories) and answers questions received via the European Youth Portal, under contract with the European Commission through the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency.
National Eurodesk organisations
They manage national level content (events, stories and country related information) in the EU Member States and the additional participant countries of the Erasmus+ programme, under the contract between the Erasmus+ National Agencies of the European Commission, and the European Commission.
European Solidarity Corps authorised organisations
These are governmental, commercial or non-governmental organisations which have been checked and authorised to access the database of young people who registered to participate in the European Solidary Corps. These organisations can search the database in order to select registrants that are interested to join the European Solidarity Corps projects they are managing. When authorised representatives of these organisations access the European Solidarity Corps Organisations Portal for the first time, they must accept the Specific Privacy Statement of the system, which requires them and their organisation to process the personal data of Corps registrants only for the purposes of searching, contacting and making offers related to Corps activities. Organisations are also required to take the necessary actions to prevent the loss or misuse of the personal data of Corps registrants that it obtains.
Complete list of organisations and their contacts can be found on (search by project or hosting organisations):
European Solidarity Corps insurance contractor
This is an authorised EU based commercial organisation which manages the insurance coverage of European Solidarity Corps participants.
Henner SAS
EU Delegations
They have access to limited personal data of the European Solidarity Corps participants deployed in the countries where they are located in order to be aware of their presence in the country and provide support if needed.
Complete list of EU delegations and their contacts can be found on:
DiscoverEU contractors and sub-contractors
These are authorised EU based commercial organisations which manage the list of selected applications and applications on the reserve lists and organise the distribution of travel passes to the young people.
Eurail B.V.
Caracal Agency
Shufti Pro
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National Agencies' authorised sub-processors
They can process personal data when authorised by the European Commission on the basis of Art.29(2) of Regulation 2018/1725 (EUDPR). List to be updated when new requests are approved.
NA Kehittämö Oy (Nuorten Akatemia, Youth Academy)
Nuorisokeskus Villa Elba (Youth Center Villa Elba)
National Agencies for Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps (and their RAY Network)
They have access to the database of young people who registered in the European Solidarity Corps in order to provide assistance to authorised representatives of organisations, as well as for the purpose of carrying out the checks, audits and evaluations of projects receiving EU support in which the registrants are involved. These National Agencies have also access to the data of DiscoverEU selected applicants and applicants on the reserve list to contact them for the purpose of sending event invites.
- Complete list of National Agencies and their contacts can be found on:
Complete list of RAY Network members and their contacts can be found on:
EU Youth Dialogue National Working Groups
These are groups in each EU Member State which were awarded a grant by the European Commission to carry out national consultation exercises on behalf of the European Commission and Member States as part of the regular EU Youth Dialogue with Young People consultation process, under contract from the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).
- Complete list of national contact points and their contacts can be found on: