Resilience 2025 Charlottendal, Järna, Sweden

Omställning Järna
Charlotendal, Järna, Sweden, Sweden
This 2 or 6-12 month project is designed for youth who want to experience life in an Ecovillage and farm in rural Sweden. The volunteers' tasks are to care for the farm animals, but also to build a permaculture garden, outdoor area and greenhouse around the volunteer base. There are many learning opportunities: from how to create your own garden, to understanding more about eco-sustainability, the GEN network, writing European Solidarity Corps applications, etc. Volunteers will be involved daily in Charlottendals farm where they will live, but also have the opportunity to connect with other permaculture farms and gardens such as Nibble Gård in Järna. There is also an interesting education we can interact with called the YIP, Youth Initiative Program, Järna has been called an "alternative capital" Please be aware that we are currently organizing the interviewing process thus it can take up the a few for us to respond.
Accommodation, food and transport arrangements
All accommodation, food and travel expenses are covered. The volunteers will live in their own house in the Eco village. Each participant will have their own bedroom and they will share a common area (kitchen, bathroom). The volunteers will have a card with the monthly food allowance and will grow food. The food is ecological, healthy and vegetarian. During workdays the volunteers will prepare and have lunch together. The travel reimbursement will be calculated based on travel distance and type of travel. We encourage green travel when possible. Each volunteer will have access to a bike.
Training during the activity
Training during the activity On arrival the participants will be welcomed by their coordinators and mentors, involving members of the community and past ESC volunteers. They will be given an introduction to safety measures, a tour of the town and Ecovillage and have a selection of books and documentaries at their disposal. The volunteers will take part in an On-Arrival Training Course and a Mid-Term Training Course in Stockholm, held by the Swedish National Agency (MUCF).
Participant profile
The volunteers we are looking for will be living on a farm in Sweden, near Stockholm. involved activities on animal and environmental care, that is acting locally on global issues and up to carry out tasks that involve getting your hands dirty! We would prefer a candidate who has a minimum of experience working with gardening, building and animal care and interest in permaculture. Other tasks include youth leadership, promotion and administration. Please also note that weather and darkness during low season is a big factor in Sweden, especially if you come from a warm country. To apply, please send CV and a motivational letter to If possible also specify the desired duration as well as starting date of the volunteering.
Activity dates
A total of 40 week(s) during the period 08/03/2025 to 20/12/2025
Activity location
Charlottendal, Charlotendal, Järna, Sweden, Sweden
Individual volunteering
Looking for participants from
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Spain, Finland, France, Croatia, Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Ukraine
Activity topics
Citizenship and democratic participation
Environment and natural protection
Creativity and culture
Deadline for applications
No application deadline