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European Solidarity Corps

The power of together

Inclusion 2 - ESC Project

Centrul European pentru Tineret

Bucuresti, Romania


Inclusion 2 is an ESC (European Solidarity Corps) project. The volunteering period is of 365 days, in which the days spent in Romania represent the activities. These activities will take place between 10 March 2025 and 09 March 2026. Through this project, we wish to bring together a number of 4 volunteers: 1 from Romania and 3 from Europe. They will stay one year in Romania, 10 March 2025 and 09 March 2026. INCLUSION 2 is a project which aims to prepare and implement the work program with disadvantaged young people with different ethnic backgrounds and with the ESC volunteers having, as objective the inclusion and equal opportunities addressed to disadvantaged young people (NEETs). The volunteers are expected to work using non-formal methods with high school students (14-18 years old) with which to share EU values, teach them about respect for human dignity and human rights that the EU promotes and wants all its citizens to live in a fair society with equal opportunities for all.

Accommodation, food and transport arrangements

Cazarea, mancarea si banii de buzunari vor fi asigurate de asociatia noastra. Transportul va fi rambursat in limita impusa de regulile de finantare a programului ESC. Cazarea va fi in cadrul campusului scolar din liceul/comunitatea in care voluntarii isi vor desfasura activitatile cu tinerii liceeni. Aceasta comunitate se afla la 30 de minute de orasul Bucuresti.

Training during the activity

1. Morning session between 09.30 - 12.30: from Tuesday to Friday, volunteers work with young people and high school teachers from Ilfov county with whom we collaborate. On Monday morning, the volunteers are in the office, where they review the weekly activity with the project coordinator and set the activities for the next week's goals. 2. Afternoon session between 14:00 and 15:00: a series of courses/activities are held to train volunteers on the following topics: media literacy, group communication and stage presence.

Participant profile

We accept candidates that are between 18 and 25 years old. The candidates need to study the accommodation section of the Info Pack that will receive from us, in order to find out about what personal usage objects need to be brought which are not provided by us. Please send the CV + Motivation letter to email:

Activity dates

From 10/03/2025 to 09/03/2026

Activity location

Str Turturelelor nr. 11 A, Sector 3, Bucuresti, Romania

Individual volunteering

Looking for participants from

France, Türkiye, Spain, Portugal, Bulgaria, Poland, Romania

Activity topics

Social challenges

Deadline for applications

Application deadline: 02/02/2025 23:59