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Portrait of Willemijn van Aggelen

Willemijn van Aggelen

Willemijn, Netherlands, 25

Do what you love the most and be yourself.

Willemijn works as a grass roots sports club coach in Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Part of her job is about creating a positive sport climate where everyone can participate, and where the environment is safe for everyone. One of the club's projects is about supporting trainers and coaches of sport teams by teaching them mainly four techniques:

  1. How to motivate and stimulate the sporters;
  2. how to give individual attention to everyone in the team;
  3. how to use structures to give the training and let the sporters choose what they want to learn, and  
  4. how to play. 

Besides her work, Willemijn is a hockey player in Ladies 1 at a Hockey club where she also trains girls under 14. Over the years she trained many girls' teams, and she realised it is one of her biggest passions in life. Since a couple of months, she's also an ambassador of the European Week of Sport 2022. She wants to inspire young women in the sports world to do what they love and hopes her journey will inspire others to follow her example. 


Updated on Monday, 07/11/2022