Bouillon cube

Bouillon cube

Bouillon cube

La Grange , 34380, Causse de la Selle, France - +33467713542

description of organisation

The association Bouillon cube is located in Causse de la Selle (34), in an ultra-rural area of the territory "Le Grand Pic Saint Loup" and develops activities in an old stone farmhouse, La Grange, which became a rural cultural center in 2006. The association sets up 3 axes of activities :

- The Youth activities:
The association welcomes children, since September 2008, in the framework of its reception center for children for leisure activities without accommodation (an ALSH, in French, an ALSH is an official and technical name for what is commonly called a "leisure center") around cultural and artistic activities: every Wednesday during the school vacations, the youngest can practice plastic arts and performing arts but also attend shows and meet artists in residence at La Grange or visit their studios.
In 2014, Bouillon cube will open its activities to pre-adolescents within the framework of a holiday stay in July vacations or European youth exchanges (see below).
The association also offers artistic interventions in schools in connection with school projects and in connection with the artists in residence at La Grange.

- Cultural activities:
Bouillon cube offers a cultural program for all audiences and all ages, on the site of La Grange. Diversity is the key word in the artistic choices: sometimes rock music, electro and folk ball, sometimes puppet, acrobat or dancer, without forgetting the visual artists painters, photographers or sculptors. The quality is in the center of the choices.
The association also proposes on the site of La Grange some residences for the artists, and like that accompanies many artistic projects.
The activity of diffusion and accompaniment of artists enters in a general will of development and creation of social links. More than the performance itself of a show and its fame, we seek to resemble, to make think around the artistic proposals, to bring families to have a cultural practice together and to allow all the public, of any age and any horizon to meet each other.

- European activities:
The expertise of the association in the two previous fields allows us to carry out projects mixing the youth and cultural axis through European and international exchange projects.
The association also welcomes European volunteers since 2012, on the site of La Grange. (More information below)

Objectives of the association :
- To create and develop cultural and educational projects with a local, European and international dimension.
- To support and accompany initiatives by young people from rural or urban areas, aiming at the diversity.
- To provide existing structures with skills in project implementation and project accompaniment.

This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label. The Quality Label certifies that the organisation is able to run projects in compliance with the principles and objectives of the European Solidarity Corps.

Scope Volunteering

Role Expiry date
PIC: 947482324 OID: E10176960
Last updated on 12/05/24

Organisation topics

Community development

Youth policy development
