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Accredited organisation

Trotoara Foundation

Trotoara Foundation

Vrabnitsa-2 bl.636 ap.90, 1231, Sofia, Bulgaria - +359899396466

Description of organisation

Trotoara Foundation is a legal entity with a non-profit purpose registered in 2014. It consists of a board of members who are currently: Lyubomir Dimitrov Vakavchiev, Aneliya Antnonova Moravska and Deyan Plamenov Yankov. The role of a director and chairman of the board is executed by Deyan Yankov who is also the key founder.

Our goals
# Development of universal and social, cultural and spiritual values.
# Development and encouragement of the Bulgarian national and European identity through the preservation of cultural heritage, the natural environment and the authenticity of the Bulgarian language.
# Consolidation, inclusion and integration of young people aged 12-16 years from different social and ethnic groups and the promotion of tolerance among youth. Supporting youth’s personal abilities, cultural and spiritual development.
# Development and promotion of volunteering

Main activities
# Organize festivals, performances, concerts, exhibitions, literature readings and other activities on the national and international level, targeting topics related to the objectives of the Foundation.
# Conduct, assign and assist projects and studies, as well as support public initiatives, related to the objectives of the Foundation
# Fund ideas, projects and other activities, in the areas of music, literature, art, education and environmental activities, with its own funds or funds obtained by similar international and local organizations.
# Gather and disseminate information and informational and education materials, related to the objectives of the Foundation, as well as exchange information with local and international organizations with similar objectives

T.R.A.P. – Trotoara Room for Angry People
Our main project in 2018 is our youth community centre called T.R.A.P. The pace consists of around 320 m2 rented house and warehouse in the centre of Sofia, located at Bratya Miladinovi Str. No.26. In 2018 the construction and operation of the sound and music recording studio were able to happen thanks to volunteers and the amazing and endless energy of the trappers (this is how the kids coming to T.R.A.P. call themselves). There is a month or two left to finish with all of the reconstruction and after that, the centre will be operating in full scale - with a music rehearsal room, sound recording studio, a dance hall and a workshop for recycling electronic scrap and plastic.
It’s worth mentioning that the T.R.A.P. started to operate actively in early 2018, and little by little became the most popular and famous place for the teenagers in Sofia. For less than a year more than 300 kids aged between 12 and 18 years old came to T.R.A.P. and participated in the events, workshops, volunteer work and other interesting things which were organized.
Looking for new ways of motivation, together with the trappers we created T.R.A.P. membership cards.
The cards provide them with free access to all of the events, give serious discounts within our sponsors and donor organizations, but mostly it is a sign that you earned it with heavy work, passion and perseverance.
It is an honour to have a T.R.A.P. card! To receive it they must collect 100 points.
If a trapper succeeds in completing a challenge he/she receive 100 points. The challenges are given by a 5 people committee of trappers, who interview other trappers and give tasks which take a serious amount of time and effort. Participating in activities organized in T.R.A.P. and outside of it also gives points. Organizing events, volunteer work, cleaning, recycling, doing good to other people - these are just a few of the things for which the committee gives points.

The Events
As a tool for working with the teenagers, we invented the Events - different of size and type. All of the events are organized by teenagers under the mentorship of Trotoara. Acting as volunteers, managers, participants, DJ’s and other, the kids learn valuable skills like keeping deadlines, working in teams and many others.

Inclusion topics

This organisation is willing to involve volunteers who face situations which make their participation in activities more difficult, from the following categories for different types of project:

  • Cultural differences
  • Educational difficulties
  • Refugees
  • This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label. The Quality Label certifies that the organisation is able to run projects in compliance with the principles and objectives of the European Solidarity Corps.

Scope Volunteering

Role Expiry date
Hosting 31/12/2027
PIC: 910773159 OID: E10009382

Organisation topics

Citizenship and democratic participation

Community development

Research and innovation