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Accredited organisation

Ábrego: Environment and Rural Development

C/ Diego Polo, 4 2ºA , 09001, Burgos, Spain - +34648726890

Description of organisation

Ábrego is a non-profit association based in Burgos. Asociación Ábrego was founded in 2014 on the initiative of a group of young workers to rediscover balance, serenity and the general well-being thanks to a closer connection with nature and people, promoting awareness of the culture of sustainability in all aspects: environmental, social and economic. Its main mission is to make society aware of the need to be involved in order to generate changes that improve and enrich people's lives.

Ábrego's main objective is the rural development as a response to the global, and that is why it creates spaces and meeting points in the rural world with the purpose of generating networks and bridges between towns and cities, and more specifically among its inhabitants.
Ábrego promotes knowledge, innovation and creativity, since it considers these tools to be the pillars of a positive transformation of people, society and the natural environment.
Ábrego is confident that learning process begins with interest, therefore, it raises activities that awaken imagination, creativity and allow users to know nature and culture from practice. Ábrego is committed to active group activities that develop empathy and the ability to resolve conflicts, but at the same time, it poses challenges and numerous proposals that promote the personal initiative and entrepreneurial spirit of the participants.

Some of the objectives of the association are the following:
- identify and network actors related to science and the natural environment;
- weave alliances and establish spaces for reflection that give rise to multidisciplinary and multisectoral initiatives;
- involve society in active participation to build a future of coexistence and balance with the natural environment;
- develop and energize the rural environment;
- work in common with other associations of the urban and rural environment for the conservation and sustainable management of the territory;
- promote and preserve the culture and the traditional wisdom;
- promote and provide tools for self-employment;
- train groups to the developing social skills and abilities and educating to values ​​such as equality, respect, tolerance, solidarity, participation, justice, coexistence and intercultural learning;
- teach various techniques, tools and useful knowledge for life in rural and urban areas, taking advantage of the natural environment in a sustainable way.

Inclusion topics

This organisation is willing to involve volunteers who face situations which make their participation in activities more difficult, from the following categories for different types of project:

  • Economic obstacles
  • Geographical obstacles
  • Social obstacles
  • This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label. The Quality Label certifies that the organisation is able to run projects in compliance with the principles and objectives of the European Solidarity Corps.

Scope Volunteering

Role Expiry date
Hosting 31/12/2027
PIC: 923707818 OID: E10029470

Organisation topics

Citizenship and democratic participation

Climate action, environment and nature protection

Rural development and urban regeneration