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Accredited organisation

Associació Atzavara-arrels

Associació Atzavara-arrels

Poeta Vicent Garcia 3, Tortosa, Spain - +34977440558

Description of organisation

Atzavara-arrels is a non-profit association created in 2000 in Tortosa on the initiative of people from different backgrounds and professional fields with the aim of contributing to make Tortosa a fairer and more supportive city and to promote equal opportunities in a plural and diverse society.
The main objectives are social inclusion and promote the values of diversity, respect and solidarity among people, dialogue, critical reflection and knowledge, the defense of human rights, equal opportunities and the respect for difference.
Our target is people of vulnerable groups and the citizens in general. We work with children from 6 to 12 years old, young people from 12 to 25 years old and women of all ages, mostly from Morocco, Gambia and Senegal. On the projects of the association, the different activities aim to support and facilitate the accompaniment of the people who actively participate in them. Our activities are related to:
1-Service of attention and complaint for the victims of racism and xenophobia together with SOS Racismo -Catalonia: this service offers integral attention that makes it necessary facing the attention of the victims in a complete way, taking into account not only the management and the resolution of the conflict but also by offering social and personal support.
2- Attention, information and advice service to immigrants and/or people at risk of social exclusion: we offer attention in coordination with other city services, advising, guiding, accompanying people by providing emotional support and promoting their participation in different activities offered by the city or linking them to existing resources.
3-Courses and workshops for linguistic and cultural reception: workshops are held in different time zones to facilitate the knowledge of the language and the cultural environment.
4-Alternative Criminal Measures (Department of Justice of the Generalitat de Catalunya): the entity incorporates within its activities people who are in this situation with the possibility of continuing in the association once they have resolved their legal situation.
5-Espalaia't d'Atzavara and Atzavara Joven: in this space we work for the formation and accompaniment of newly arrived / autochthonous students.
6-Prevention of early school leaving project: actions to contribute to the success of the educational trajectory of young people in their personal and social empowerment and to help them to grow their expectations for the future.
7-Women's space: it is a place of welcome, exchange of experiences and linguistic and cultural accompaniment dedicated to young women and newly arrived adults.
8- Actions for the knowledge of cultural diversity and awareness to promote social cohesion.
9- Project Voluntarieja't in Agave: this project consists in promoting volunteering in the entity.
10- Work with families: family workshops, meetings of parents and children to work on family relationships.
11 - Tamunt: Young people, sense of belonging and identity: this is an ACISI project with which we collaborate very closely. This is an intervention addressed to young people from Tortosa, sons and daughters of immigrants, at risk of social exclusion, from 14 to 25 years.
12- Volunteering for the Language: the association Agave-Raíces is the Registration Point for Volunteering for the Language and forms the Commission for the Language of Land of the Ebro.
13- Open workshops for the community: actions carried out by volunteers in different locations of the city offering activities aimed at children, youth and adults.
Atzavara is part of Casa Nostra, Casa Vostra platform that supports the integration of refugees in Catalonia, the Network of Social and Community Action Entities, which works for the development of social and community action in neighborhoods, the Tortosa Community Process, for the improvement of coexistence and social cohesion in the city, we participate in the socio-educational and community health field, and in different work commissions to deal with reality together with other public and private institutions, at the same time sharing information about our users and thus perform a quality intervention.

Inclusion topics

This organisation is willing to involve volunteers who face situations which make their participation in activities more difficult, from the following categories for different types of project:

  • Cultural differences
  • Disability
  • Health problems
  • This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label. The Quality Label certifies that the organisation is able to run projects in compliance with the principles and objectives of the European Solidarity Corps.

Scope Volunteering

Role Expiry date
Hosting 31/12/2027
PIC: 906424746 OID: E10042076

Organisation topics

Education and training


Reception and integration of third-country nationals