EcoGerminar- Associação de Desenvolvimento do Interior, de Promoção do Comércio Solidário, do Ecoturismo e de luta à Desertificação Rural

EcoGerminar- Associação de Desenvolvimento do Interior, de Promoção do Comércio Solidário, do Ecoturismo e de luta à Desertificação Rural

Associação EcoGerminar

Rua da Fonte Nova nº1, Quinta da Fonte Nova 1º Andar, 6000-167, Castelo Branco, Portugal - +351928040686

description of organisation

Associação EcoGerminar was founded in 2006 and is based in Castelo Branco. The objectives of the association are:
• Promote a set of projects in partnership with other associations and institutions;
• Encourage local development, a solidary economy and social innovation, through the empowerment of communities, especially in the interior and rural regions of Portugal.
It is an independent non-profit association, made up of a team of employees and volunteers, where everyone has something in common, an enormous desire to transform the world into a better place, through the presentation of new projects, based on the social and global challenges of our daily lives.

Projects and Activities developed by Associação EcoGerminar

Project Há Festa No Campo;
• Project pela Floresta, pelo planeta… por nós 2.0! ;
• Project Vigiar e Pedalar;
• Other activities listed on the Association's website.

Projects and Activities under development by the Associação EcoGerminar

• Several activities to promote the pedagogical village of Juncal do Campo;
The Pedagogical Village of Juncal do Campo, consists of a recreational circuit with several activities, which allow to take advantage of the existing spaces in the village, seeking to value the history, traditions, knowledge of those people, as well as providing community experience. Some of the activities were developed with children in order to demonstrate the village's activities and traditions, such as demonstrating how cheeses, dances and songs are made, among other activities, always providing a good environment in the community and in the people who attend it, whether children or large groups. This project also included painting exhibitions, photography, theater, videos, music, dance, poetry, among others, always related to local traditions, memories and festivities. During the course of the three-year project, images, testimonies and moments were collected for the organization of a documentary.
After this project our association developed a pedagogical circuit in the village of juncal do campo that has received since 2016 more than 250 children and young people from basic, vocational and university education, coming from all over the country. These visits are intended to contribute to the education and growth of children by combining fun, contact with the countryside and animals by joining the knowledge and traditions of the population.

• Academia Gulbenkian do Conhecimento- Project Ativismo para o Desenvolvimento;
• Academia Gulbenkian do Conhecimento- Project Cores para o Desenvolvimento;

• Project Democracia para Menores;
The main objective of the Project Democracia para Menores is to develop skills in children/young people, through methods based on non-formal education, in order to create more active and participatory citizens in school-age citizen life. This will be held in 47 classes in the schools of Castelo Branco, of 2nd and 3rd cycle, and intends to develop sessions that promote citizenship mainly with a focus on environmental and democratic issues. Playful/pedagogical games will be held, in accordance with the problem at hand. Hold awareness-raising assemblies, final assemblies that result from the needs felt by the population, and community assemblies with children and young people in articulation with local authorities.

• Trade fairs for Toys, Books, Games and etc…

inclusion topics

This organisation is willing to involve volunteers who face situations which make their participation in activities more difficult, from the following categories for different types of project:

  • Refugees
  • Social obstacles
  • Geographical obstacles

This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label. The Quality Label certifies that the organisation is able to run projects in compliance with the principles and objectives of the European Solidarity Corps.

Scope Volunteering

Role Expiry date
PIC: 919797166 OID: E10078419
Last updated on 13/05/24

Organisation topics


Citizenship and democratic participation

Community development