direction des services départementaux de l'Education nationale de l'Indre

direction des services départementaux de l'Education nationale de l'Indre


rue Grande 110, 36000, Châteauroux, France - +3254605700

description of organisation

The DSDEN de l'INDRE is an Educational public service aiming to train teachers and educate pupils from 3 to 18 years old. It has in charge in the department of Indre 211 schools of primary level and also middle schools and high schools.
The department of Indre is a rural one with qualification less than the national average. It works to improve access to all the young ones to culture and education but also to open up to social differencies used as a asset through European programs such as ERASMUS +.

Thus this program is interesting for us in order to make contacts with people and young adults with different backgrounds using the English langage as a way of communication but also meeting the values of the public education in France.

This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label. The Quality Label certifies that the organisation is able to run projects in compliance with the principles and objectives of the European Solidarity Corps.

Scope Volunteering

Role Expiry date
PIC: 914548108 OID: E10118411
Last updated on 29/05/24

Organisation topics

Education and training