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Accredited organisation

Food for Life A.P.S.

Corso Tortona 52, 10153, Torino, Italy - +39 3887259021

Description of organisation

Food for Life APS distributes vegetarian meals and spreads the knowledge of yoga to promote peace, brotherhood and social prosperity, in full respect of life, in all its forms and manifestations. The Association promotes psycho-physical wellness by encouraging healthy nutrition to as many people as possible. Starting from the most disadvantaged people Food for Life deals with social weakness both economic and spiritual.
At the headquarter of Turin, various meal distribution programs have been carried out for five years to homeless people and disadvantaged families.
To achieve its goals Food for Life conducts a wide range of activities such as lectures, workshops, seminars, festivals and social events, like concerts and charity dinners. We strongly believe in non-formal education and the peer learning method. The learning programs covers following areas: wellness, healthy lifestyle, healthy eating and cooking, yoga practices, meditation and stress management, life in contact with nature, organic farming.
Food for Life pays particular attention to young people. Many of them participate in various solidarity activities as they see the social value of volunteering as an experience of personal growth. In the last year in Tribogna headquarter (Genoa) several activities have been offered to young people in order to discover a simple life in contact with nature. In a rural setting it is possible to participate in sustainable agriculture, artisanal handcrafted product and also cow care activities, thus being able to discover more deeply the value of food, manual labour, and the natural resources.
A fundamental mission is also to spread the ancient wisdom of yoga, based on the spiritual unity of all living beings, to generate a sense of social inclusion by overcoming all discrimination, creed, social or geographical barriers and offer practical solutions to contemporary challenges of the humanity.

  • This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label. The Quality Label certifies that the organisation is able to run projects in compliance with the principles and objectives of the European Solidarity Corps.

Scope Volunteering

Role Expiry date
Hosting 31/12/2027
OID: E10251718