Sê Mais Sê Melhor - Associação para a Promoção do Potencial Humano

Sê Mais Sê Melhor - Associação para a Promoção do Potencial Humano

Sê Mais Sê Melhor

Rua da PSP, IPDJ, Casa das Associações, 8000-408, Faro, Portugal

www.semaissemelhor.org - +351962953962

description of organisation

Sê Mais Sê Melhor (Be More Be Better, henceforth Sê+) is a space for skills development and empowerment of young people, facilitating opportunities for the realization of their projects. We aim to intervene with the young population with the goal of supporting them in their needs and enhancing their skills and competences, with a major focus on building a personal and professional project for a more successful future, personally and professionally. To increase the positive effects of our work, we assure: 1. Strong and meaningful partnerships; 2. Continuity projects; 3. Specialized work team.

Our main goal are:
- to make young people aware of the opportunities to do (more), to act and to participate.
- to improve soft skills and competences for personal and professional development.
- to empower youth to progress and be more successful and proactive on several spheres of life.
- to give opportunities to accomplish their projects and ideas.

Our vision:
We want to contribute to the construction of positive and successful life projects that foster the responsible and active involvement of young people in society.

Our values:
- Equity to all without any discrimination;
- Respect for diversity and individuality;
- Social responsibility, being part of a whole;
- Sustainable and integrated action.

Minding a better world and our best action we assure Sê+ complies with Social and Environmental Responsibilities, such as sustainability, gender equality, community, and human rights. We value transparency and a fair and just operation, therefore we deploy efforts such as having organized accounting, sharing information about the association, being part of several working groups (Social Action, Educational Psychologist Network, Equality Group), federations (National Federation of Youth Associations and the regional federation), and national registrations (National Register of Youth Associations), going by the law, being opened for assessment and apply for awards and recognitions of our work.

Gender Equality is a crosscutting practice in all the functioning and activities of Sê+, aligned with the National and International Aims for 2030, in our functioning, in the activities developed, both internally and externally, in the dissemination of good practices, and several other areas. In terms of environment and sustainability, although we are not a primary environmental group, we pride ourselves on doing everything in our power to have the lowest possible impact and doing our part in preserving the Earth, through intern and extern activities.

In the last few years, we received the following Recognitions, Prizes and Certifications:
- National Prize "Youth for Equality" (2014; 2016, 2021 -2nd);
- Good Practices in Youth Associations in the Algarve region (2014/15/19);
- Good Practices | Youth Volunteering in the Algarve (2019).
- Certificate of Merit by National Agency for the Environment (2019).

Our main activities were initiated and are carried mainly by professionals and young people specialized on youth and its aimed to youth from 12 to 30 yo, with a focus on disadvantaged groups:
- “Atreve-te: um desafio para a Igualdade” - Raise awareness and involve young people and the community in issues of equality, violence, and discrimination through non-formal education.
- “Na Primeira Pessoa” – Awareness-raising and capacity building sessions and programs with young people, mainly in school settings and other youth organizations. It uses non-formal education to promote personal and social skills, which contribute to an adaptive, resilient, and empowered development.
- “Abordando Cenas e Coisas” – A diversified set of activities that aims to work in a perspective of empowerment of young people for awareness and action within the scope of community participation, citizenship, Rights and Sustainability.
- “Faz Acontecer 2.0” - Project to promote volunteering through a volunteering group, dissemination and capacity building actions and participation in networks and initiatives to promote youth participation.
- “Ilumina a tua vida” - A cohesive and consistent project for the elimination of discrimination and hate speech on grounds of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
- “#StandOut” - Intervening in the employability and professional integration of young people aged between 16 and 30 who are in a situation (or at risk) of social exclusion in the city of Faro, with the priority focus on combating the difficulty these young people have in entering the job market and having consistent, regular, and lasting professional experiences.
- Training - Sê Mais Sê Melhor” is a national leading youth organization on the topics of human rights, gender equity and LGBTQI, with several awards and recognitions.
- Voluntary Projects – Every year we have been developing some annual volunteer projects. Young people reach us asking to be part of some activities, or to start a specific volunteer project and we help them applying the project.

This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label. The Quality Label certifies that the organisation is able to run projects in compliance with the principles and objectives of the European Solidarity Corps.

Scope Volunteering

Role Expiry date

Lead organisation

PIC: 925428792 OID: E10231104
Last updated on 11/05/24

Organisation topics

Community development

Promoting gender equality

Human rights and rule of law