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Policy Dialogue with Vice-President Dubravka Šuica: "Geography of Discontent"

Visual of Policy dialogue with Vice-President Dubravka Šuica @© European Union, 2022

05/12/2022 14:30

05/12/2022 16:30

(CET) Hora de Europa central

Rue de la Loi, 200, 1049, Brussels, Bélgica

Policy dialogue on "Geography of Discontent" with European Commission Vice-President Dubravka Šuica.

Did you miss the live discussion? Don't worry, you can watch the recorded version by accessing the European Commission live stream page.

Take aways from the Dialogue

  1. Introduction of the Youth Test. The Youth Test is defined as a new tool to develop impact assessment on the impact of specific policies on the youth. In case of negative/unsatisfactory impact identified, mitigation measures should be proposed (initiative of the European Youth Forum mentioned in all policy dialogues). 
  2. Support at the local and national levels to organise these dialogues closer to the people. Youth ambassadors might play a key role in this respect and they might be seconded to the EU institutions to gain knowledge and experience, while also encouranging an intergenerational dialogue.
  3. Youth focus. Suggestion to ensure that the age range in the EU institutions is more representative of the population, notably by increasing the employment of young people under 30, but also to provide training to policy makers about how to engage with the youth. In addition, a recommendation to involve not only students but also young people already at work, with a professional experience, in the dialogues between policy makers and the youth was raised.
  4. Establishment of a network of ‘European Kindergardens’ across the EU to foster the inclusion of children, also those from marginalised communities or migrant background, and to instill a sense of unity and belonging for all and counter racism and exclusion. 
  5. Promote the concept of Youth Centres developed in Croatia (info centres where youth can find any information about the EU projects and how to participate) as a best practice to other Member States.
  6. Increase funding of programmes and projects that work such as Erasmus+.
Datos de la actividad
Formato de la actividad Híbrido (en línea y presencial)
Comienza el 05/12/2022 14:30
Acaba el 05/12/2022 16:30
Huso horario (CET) Hora de Europa central
Organizada por European Commission
Edades a las que se dirige 18-24; 25-30
Idioma de la actividad Inglés
Tipo de actividad Debate
Temas de la actividad Participación y compromiso
Metas de la Juventud relacionadas con esta actividad Conectando la UE con los jóvenes
Relacionada con la Conferencia sobre el Futuro de Europa No
Número de participantes previstos (estimación) 12