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Policy Dialogue with Commissioner Didier Reynders: "Right to repair initiative"

Youth Dialogue

17/05/2022 14:30

17/05/2022 16:30

Mitteleuropäische Zeit (MEZ)

Rue de la Loi 200, 1049 , Brussels, Belgien

Ever wanted to meet a European Commissioner face to face and put your questions to them? Want to express your vision about the future of a specific EU policy and say where you find the EU is doing too little or too much? This is what the policy dialogues are about!

On 17 May, you had the chance to ask Commissioner Didier Reynders about the right to repair initiative. An open conversation you can have your say and be heard at the highest level of European decision making.

Did you miss the live discussion? Don't worry, you can watch the recorded version by accessing the European Commission live stream page.


Take aways from the Dialogue

  1. Introduction of the Youth Test (proposal of the European Youth Forum mentioned in all policy dialogues): The Youth Test is defined as a new tool for the Commission’s law-making process, to assess the impacts of specific Commission policies for the youth. In case of negative/unsatisfactory impacts identified, mitigation measures should be proposed.
  2. It is important to promote more sustainable consumption and to change consumer behaviour of the whole population, not only targeted groups who already make sustainable choices. In this context, it is important to guarantee equal possibilities to repair for all consumers, meaning for example reasonable repair costs and fair access to spare parts. 
  3. Consumers should be provided incentives to buy second-hand and refurbished goods, provided that the expansion of this market does not lead to price increase of these products. 
Format der Aktivität Hybrid (online und Präsenz)
Beginnt am 17/05/2022 14:30
Ende 17/05/2022 16:30
Zeitzone Mitteleuropäische Zeit (MEZ)
Organisiert von DG JUST
Website der Organisation
Zielaltersgruppe 18-24; 25-30; 31-35; über 35
Sprache der Aktivität Englisch
Art der Aktivität Debatte
Themen der Aktivität Teilhabe und Engagement; Digitalisierung
Anmeldung Keine Anmeldung erforderlich
Rollstuhlgerecht Nicht zutreffend
Jugendziele – die Aktivität hat Bezug zu Ein nachhaltiges, grünes Europa
Hängt zusammen mit der Konferenz zur Zukunft Europas Nein
Voraussichtliche Teilnehmerzahl (Schätzung) 50