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European and International Youth Policies and Strategies: challenges and prospects

The image is the poster of the webinar. It contains a graphic design of a red megaphone in blue background. The webinar title  “European and International Youth Policies and Strategies: challenges and prospects" is mentioned. The poster includes the logos of the EUSYP Jean Monnet Project, of the European Year of Youth, of the Thessaloniki Youth Club for UNESCO and of the Erasmus+. The date and time of the webinar is also mentioned, that is 25.02.2022 from 19:00 to 21:00 (EET timezone). @Thessaloniki Youth Club for UNESCO

The webinar “European and International Youth Policies and Strategies: challenges and prospects” is organised within the framework of the Jean Monnet Erasmus+ funded project “Strategies and Policies on Youth in the European Union” (EUSYP), implemented by Thessaloniki Youth Club for UNESCO, and with the occasion of the European Year of Youth 2022. It aims to:
- inform on the European and International Youth Policies;
- address the challenges that young people are facing all over Europe, and to discuss if a common and coherent EU response to them is possible;
- serve as a platform for young people to share their voices, concerns, and ideas, while addressing questions and exchanging views with the invited Speakers/Experts.

The panel of Speakers, who honoured us by accepting our invitation to participate and give a speech, is comprised of:
- Dimitris Fatouros, Communication Officer for Greece, UN Regional Information Centre (UNRIC)
- Maria Kypriotou, Youth Development Specialist, UNESCO
- Babis Papaioannou, Policy Officer, SNE – Youth Policy and Programmes, DG Education, Youth, Sports & Culture, European Commission
- Nadine Pisli- Konstantina Pisli, European Year of Youth 2022 National Coordinator for Greece, Hellenic Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs
- Stefanos Katsoulis, EUSYP Jean Monnet Project Coordinator and President of Thessaloniki Youth Club for UNESCO, implementing and beneficiary entity, will precede the event with his introductory speech.

The event will be open to the public for questions and remarks that can be expressed freely either orally (if time permits) or in writing, using the Zoom ChatBox feature.

Registration is required in order to attend the webinar, which is free of cost. The registration form can be found here:…

Datos de la actividad
Formato de la actividad En línea
Comienza el 25/02/2022 19:00
Acaba el 25/02/2022 21:00
Huso horario (EET) Hora de Europa oriental
Organizada por Thessaloniki Youth Club for UNESCO
Sitio web de la organización
Correo electrónico de contacto
Edades a las que se dirige 14-17; 18-24; 25-30; 31-35; Más de 35
Idioma de la actividad Greek
Tipo de actividad Seminario web
Temas de la actividad Participación y compromiso; La juventud y el mundo; Educación; Investigación e innovación; Programas de la UE para la juventud
Reserva Es imprescindible reservar: ver más información
Accesibilidad para sillas de ruedas No procede
Metas de la Juventud relacionadas con esta actividad Conectando la UE con los jóvenes; Espacio y participación para todos; Programas europeos y organizaciones juveniles
Relacionada con la Conferencia sobre el Futuro de Europa No
Número de participantes previstos (estimación) 100