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Youth Climate LAB © European Union, 2023 / image source:

Join the Youth Climate LAB of the Education for Climate Coalition!

Data dell'ultima modifica Lunedì, 05/06/2023

Are you a student or a young professional interested in sustainable fashion? Then join the first season of Youth Climate LAB and help draft a practical guide to positively influence the fashion industry!

The Youth Climate LAB brings together young citizens between 16 and 29 years old to explore climate-related challenges and co-design solutions for them. The first season will focus on how to make unsustainable fashion trends more sustainable. We will draft step-by-step guides to navigate us into changing our behaviour and positively influencing the fashion industry.

Don’t worry if you don’t have much prior knowledge or experience in this sector: you will learn on the way. Your opinion and openness to reflect on the topic will make the trick.

The first episode (S01-E01) was released on May 11th. We have explored what unsustainable fashion trends are and their characteristics to start next episodes with a common understanding. Want to discover more? Want to discover more? Check the summary.

During the next episode (S01-E02), we will continue the discussion focusing on what changes we, as individuals and citizens, would like to push for a sustainable fashion industry! Join and raise your voice on June 15th at 16.00 CET. Register for the second meeting and get the connection details.


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